I thank all yall for helping me! I have actually done really good today and I am only going to weigh once a week...weighing almost every day is not a good thing for me to do.
LOL Thanks! I actually cracked up at the end!
That is so true....I didn't think of it that way!
Thank you for this advice! I will have to go back and look. I know today I have been really good on eating and I have exercised some today. I just need to be patient.
Thank you!
I guess I didn't think about the almost over a pound a week thing. I guess I am expecting it too all fall off in one day...I know that's not going to happen.
You do have a point....I do need to be realistic and patient. Thank you!
Hey! I was diagnosed 5 years ago. I take 5 shots of insulin a day, but hoping to stop that! Lol I feel like a pin cushion. Anyways I can answer questions the best I can! :)
Good luck on your journey!
I too can relate to meds making you gain weight! I gained a total of 80 pounds. I am finally down 50, but still have 30 more to go! You can add me! I'll cheer ya on!!!! In fact, I'll start now! GO MATTHEW!
Thank you!