ElMonstroDeCarne Member


  • Oops - you are right, it's NET CARBS - I should have labeled it that way!
  • I agree with the "have patience" approach. That being said, crazy as your butter idea may sound, some people have success with that. Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off
  • I use low carb tortillas as the crust. You can crisp them up in a frying pan. When I heat them up in the pan, I add butter to crank up the fat. 6" Mission Carb Balance Tortillas 8" OLE Xtreme Wellness Tortillas (About as much pizza as two 6" tortillas but fewer calories and carbs.) For a 6" crust:* 1/8 cup of a low carb…
  • I consider myself lucky, here's my brief story. I've worked for a family business for ten years, and those few of us that are not family are treated as if we were. They have seen my weight creeping up over the years and recently had a friendly "intervention" with all of the support and motivation (but without the…
  • I'm with you guys - I have a long list of stuff I'd love to see added (more nutrients, supplement tracking, timestamps on the food diary, meal and snack planning for the future that you can check-off as you eat, etc.) but I'm not complaining about the price :) Also, the link with MapMyFitness is pretty cool. But now I'm…
  • Ah - I see what you are saying. Let's open up the search a little. We'll pull out the specific group name and apply @sweetteadrinker2 's suggestion for bool searching: "community.myfitnesspal.com" ("fat bomb" or "fat bombs") At first, there will only be two pages of results. On the last page, click "repeat the search with…
  • The easiest way is probably to use Google (like @baconslave mentioned). Put the entire URL of the group in quotes, then what you are searching for: "community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1143-keto" carbs "community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1143-keto" weight "community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1143-keto" "fat bombs"