Lol that's what I'm talking about
Just put on some Netflix of your favorite show or movie. I usually do 30 minutes before I lift and then 30 min post workout
Hi I added you :) I lift and im trying to cut for my first bikini competition this August!! Let's do this.
Peanut butter!!!! Because PEANUT BUTTER
1. Wake up 2.Find hot girl to harass you until you get to gym 3. Gym 4. die
Ahh it's so worth it!!! I have 14 weeks to shred shred shred and I hope to change my body for the better. I'm so impatient but I know if I work hard results will come
Awesome!! And props to you for 18% bf. Lol one day
Haha that's awesome! The more the merrier! And there's nothing wrong with having some inspiration to look forward to:) as long as you're healthy and have dedication, you can do anything.
I lift 6 days a week and try to cardio along with that since I'm trying to lean out!