pearso21123 Member


  • My husband has been very forthcoming with the compliments lately. Several days ago I was wearing a dress and he had just put his glasses on. He turned and said to me, "I put on my glasses and now you look twice as good. I didn't know what I was missing." LOL. I'm loving all of the attention.
  • This morning eating breakfast with my husband and he said "Man, you're looking good." I've been in maintenance for awhile and haven't kept up with my workouts much over the winter, so I sort of snorted at him and said I was in better shape in the fall. He said "You look really healthy. You could pass for twenty-something.…
  • I had to google 'pickle fries' and now I want to try them so bad. They look delicious!!
  • Thanks. I'd never even heard of fenugreek seeds before, but I did a quick Google search and found some good information. Now, I have to see if I can grow it in my garden this year.
  • Yes!! I think it's because all the fat isn't suffocating the muscles so they can cramp more freely now. That's just my hypothesis. The pain is back to about how it was before I gained all of the weight, so I think it's back to "normal."
  • LOL. Yup. I think my husband is getting tired of me saying "Feel my stomach. There's muscle under there! Feel it!!"
  • Hey, that's the same weight that finally got me motivated (actually 202.5).
  • Tomorrow I'm taking my children to an indoor water park, where I will wear a bathing suit IN PUBLIC for the first time in my entire life. I'm nervous and when I look at myself I see all of my flaws, but I'm doing it anyway. I found the longest swim shorts I could find, which are still exceptionally short but way better…
  • I started out using MFP's numbers and it was fine until I tried transitioning to maintenance. Once I switched to maintenance, still using MFP's numbers, I kept losing weight. So, I manually adjusted my calories up by 100 and ate at that level for a month. Still lost weight. Adjusted up by another 100 calories and ate at…
  • So, with winter here I haven't been getting my jogs and long walks in like I was in the summer. Call me a wimp, but I just don't like being out in the cold. I've still been reaching my daily step goals, but not good cardio steps, if you know what I mean. This week I suddenly got fed up of not having any good workouts and…
  • Congratulations! I remember when I first started exercising again, just walking, like you. I couldn't believe how out of shape I'd gotten, but it felt great to be moving again. It still feels great to move!
  • MFP underestimates for me, as well. When I moved to maintenance it gave me ~1600. I ate that for a month and lost weight, so upped my cals to 1700 for a month. Lost weight so upped to 1800 for a month. Lost weight that month, too. Was just about to up to 1900 when I decided to try not counting calories anymore to see if I…
  • #1) Last night, I jogged in place during most of Titanic (the movie). #2) I can jog in place now. :)
  • LOL. Maybe I'm just not old enough yet.... I think I do own a bathing suit, but only because it was in a bag of clothes someone gave me. I'm pretty sure I kept it, just in case I gained enough courage someday.
  • We're looking at buying a vacation property and my husband was trying to convince me that one property would be great because it was near a state park with a beach and I could "wear my bathing suit there." I said I've never worn a bathing suit in public in my entire life and I don't intend to start now. He then switched…
  • I have four kids; one who is a very picky eater. Plus a husband. My go-to quick and easy meal is pasta (whatever shape you happen to have) plus cheese (which of course makes macaroni and cheese, a crowd favorite). Add peas and hamburger or broccoli and tuna for a moderately healthy, one-pot meal that everyone loves. I cook…
  • I stopped tracking about 6 months ago. I was just so tired of needing to weigh and measure everything that went into my mouth. I was scared to death but figured if my weight started to creep up, I could start tracking again. I've slowly lost weight over the last few months. I take an official "weigh-in" once a month so I…
  • YESSS!!! You must post a pic. We all want to see these pants. (Or maybe it's just me)
  • I prefer the unsweetened vanilla (30 calories per cup) but I only use it in my cereal every morning. It might make a difference if you're drinking it plain.
  • So I spoke with my husband about this and he said his biggest concern was that I'm continuing to lose, and he's afraid I'm just going to keep going down. He said he's fine with my current weight, but doesn't think I need to lose any more, and that it "wouldn't hurt" if I gained a little back. To those who mentioned how he…
  • LOL. I actually like shoveling snow (and stacking firewood). I remember shoveling our driveway when I was about 8 months pregnant. My husband came running out to yell at me and said he'd do it. I declined, and said I like shoveling snow and I was taking it easy; it was really light snow. He still complained and said what…
  • Hello, everyone. I just wanted to touch base to let you know I am reading all of your posts, I just haven't had time to reply. We hit our busiest time of the year at work this week so I haven't had much time for the forums. You've given me a lot of things to think about and I do plan on implementing some of you…
  • Thank you for the support. It's nice to know that other people understand.
  • Makes sense to me, too, and just the type of "psyche" strategy needed so I don't freak out over "gaining" a few pounds. Not gaining, just increasing my range a bit. Perfect.
  • Thank you. I honestly never thought I'd be in a position of considering a recomp. I only even know what that is because of what I've read on the forums, and I never really spent any time studying the whole concept. I thought recomp was just something bodybuilders did, not "normal" people. This whole lifestyle change thing…
  • It's doubtful, considering how much he's been enjoying my weight loss. I think he's truly concerned. He's lost about 40 lbs since I started losing. We said to each other, we got out of shape together and now we're getting back into shape together.
  • It sounds like we're in the same boat. My husband has told me before that he likes "softer" women. He doesn't dislike extremely fit women, but they're not what he prefers. I never had much up top to start with; it's my bottom that he uses as a pillow. He just likes laying his head on me when we're watching t.v. and I'm not…
  • I'm not particularly concerned because it's only a few pounds, plus I historically gain 5 pounds in the winter, which is right around the corner. If I keep losing too much more, then I'll be concerned.