I know July is about over but I'm joining ! Starting tomorrow until the end of the month !
My starting weight: 187 Today's weight : 182.4 I'm not saying I'm ill hit that mark, but this group helps me get that much closer to my goal weight !
Starting weight 187 Today's weight 182.6 11/30 /15 Goal weight 160 Total lost : 4.4 One day at a time , slowly but surely
Starting wt 188 New wt 185.2 Slowly but surely !
Thank you for your words of encouragement. Everything you said is true. I push myself everyday to exercise . I watch what I eat. I m taking this one day at a time . My overall goal is 30 lbs but I joined this group to push myself cause really want this. I want my sexy back lol ! And to improve my health more than anything .
30 jumping jacks 25 burpees 30 jumping jacks 15 squats 50 jumping jacks I already did my exercise for today but I'll post when I do this ! I just wonder how many calories I'll burn ? I'm not happy with burpees . Jumping jacks used to be easy but when you have extra weight ways you down . I have this same challenge saved to…
My new weight is 186.2 Starting wt. 188
So true, well said ! Get well soon !
Didn't realize we already friends , lol !
I didn't have any Halloween candy at all but it doesn't mean I'm not tempted when I go to the store and see the half price mark down ! I was going to put some honey on my food but it was high in sugar so I passed on it. I'll join you too. This is one battle I plan on winning ! I'm slowly weaning off sweets but it's hard…
Them was some good jokes .
Thank you , thank you thank you ! No more pity parties and no more feeling sorry for myself ! My friend back home used to say keep it moving and that's what I'm going to do !
I'm done to187.4 . I have a little was to go and a lot more improvement but I should get there eventually.
I'm in a boot camp and she use them in there and boy do they work ! I would definitely use them !
I'm really working on eating healthy. I've added more vegetables to my diet. I've been exercising with no results . Now that I put this together I should start seeing results.
That's the way I feel. My stomach looks like I'm pregnant but I'm really not . My doctor tested my glands and they're normal. She said just keep doing what you're doing because it is helping my heart . That's the only positive I came away with. I want my sexy back , lol. It's hard some days but I'm not giving up. I've been…
You can add me . I'm 49 and I need all the encouragement I can get . I've been trying to lose weight for almost a year and nothing seems to be working. I don't want to say depressing but sometimes it is. I hate carrying this extra weight and it's all in my stomach . I remember how I ran long distance in high school but now…
Starting weight 188 Goal weight:160 Today's weight : 188.6 I actually went up .6 but I'm hoping things look better next week !
Im struggling too. I'm 49 and been trying to lose for a year. My calorie intake is1650. I exercise 5 days a week 30 minutes but close to 45. I've been working on my protein and fruits and vegetables. I'm praying it works . It can be depressing though
I want to join. My overall goal is 30 but if I can lose 20 by December 31rst! That'll be great ! Music to my ears . Add me please !
You know family can be worse than friends ! My mother told me I was big and she hurt my feelings . She say you was always my small one. Ok mom . I gained weight since I got married . Don't criticize me when your oldest daughter living at home with you is overweight too. I told my mom about this. So I know, it hurts ! I…
Well, I feel like you do. I'm going for sweets like crazy . I've had the night sweats and hot flashes . I'm going to my doctor Friday to talk about it because I've been trying to lose weight for a year and nothing's working . I'm working on my protein and eating more . I'm just wanting my doctor to give me a nutrition plan…
You sound like you're doing good to me . I'm in my late 40's and all I want to lose is 35 lbs. I need to do what you're doing !! Maybe I would suggest changing up your routines . That's what I was told or maybe make your dinner your lightest meal . Some people switch and eat that way . Yes they say it doesn't help to skip…