I've had this happen until I finally found the right pair of shoes. Been doing an elliptical for 3 years now and feet no longer go numb after I bought a pair of Brooks Glycerin 10s. Even after 45 minutes my feet are fine. I also change the ramp settings and sometimes go backwards to break up the monotony.
I log everything... I am focusing on what matters to me...
I use a Nike Fuelband
This is America... nothing surprises me anymore...
Almonds and blackberries
Yum Wine!
Too bright of a day?
Cancer symbol back in my 30's. My next one was a nautical compass, and replaced the N, S, E, and W with the initials of my kids. Both on my shoulders where work cannot see them.
I bought an elliptical trainer for home (cardio workouts) and a small weight bench (strength training). There is always time to be healthy!
Nice going!!!
Run Forrest run!
Great job! Keep up the good work!
After my rotator cuff surgery it was two years before I started free weights again. Because of the extent of my injury, I go super light on the weights, but high reps. I also use an elliptical to break up the monotony of walking or treadmills. Hope this helped...