Very relatable! I try not to weigh myself often since so many factors changes the scale: hormones (period), water weight/bloating and even what I ate just overnight. Just a gentle reminder, one I need to remind myself as well, be kind to yourself! We’re our own worst critic. Weight, like life, has its ups and downs and it…
Redownloaded this app and just found all my old posts! A little update: I’m now able to do full front and side splits! What helped me: doing (5-15mins) cardio post weighlifting then foam roll and finally doing my stretch sequence (since I’m full warmed up!) Thanks for all the helpful reply 😊
Oh trust me I do, I'm Asian and I'm actually considered the thickest among my sisters due to working out. It's once come to a point where my mom forbid me to go to the gym because she didn't like my "gun show" apparently biceps on a woman was just unheard of in her time... My boyfriend takes me and helps me workout too. My…
I don't just want a big butt there's surgeries and what not for that, not that there's anything wrong with it. I want to work on my own! I think a toned butt represents strong legs and fitness overall. So yes, no shame..who doesn't like a curve there? (: @PopeyeCT
Thanks for the information! What I'm trying to say is for my own personal aesthetic preference, I'm not tall so getting thicker quads/hamstrings isn't really favourable on my part so i don't feel the need to keep on beating pr and building more muscle overall in that area..I'm at that point where I'd like to just maintain…
That's true, but I do still have good muscle composition for my size, it's pretty balanced I'd say...I worked to build my current butt and it almost seems like a plateau...I just want to be toned nothing too thick thus the quad issue..So I was wondering if I should keep on going heavy and beat pr or maintain @arditarose
@arditarose I'm a pretty balanced eater trying clean eating as well with some cheat day. I've been doing Erin stern's 4 week program as well as some insanity at home (skipped a few days because I was sick though) I'll be sure to check out that program. Thanks!
@ fabfifty im guessing 50 from your username? Married Receptionist
Thank youu! Never got to respond because I switched my phone but yes! Steady does it ✌️
@rybo Thanks that's what I'm trying..I guess I'm just getting a little impatient ! $: @Mrsallen6_11 I knoww! It's so frustrating...I tried bikram yoga but there wasn't really any splitting pose..I'll keep on trying. Thank you!
Good luck! Excited for a weekend trip to victoria ! If only sleep comes soon...
Yup, I'm Filipino-Canadian so I speak Tagalog Shorts, yoga pants or sweats?
Depends where I am, if it's my room then I'm naked or undies $: Favourite hair colour?
Undercover superhero !
Nope, never been married HYE danced so hard your feet felt numb the morning after ?
Natural beauty! @LovingLifeInCalifornia
I'd dance with you! And hug (:
@lpendleton58 @Romeo717 that's the issue I can't view anyone's at all not do I see a "+" option, most likely because I'm on mobile.. Thank you though :)
Okay that makes sense thank you so much :)
Because you take care of your wives