isstillarose Member


  • Drinking water with these things is critical, tho. Otherwise they just get stuck! And I do agree w what was said above. Normal is different for different people.
  • Here's a good summary from Web MD that explains the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber. I think you want isoluble, but maybe more of both (almonds are great, as they also have high levels of magnesium and this can make things happen, too.): Soluble fiber dissolves in water. Insoluble fiber does not. To some…
  • I agree with the comment above that your TSH levels sound really high. And until your levels are right, it will be hard to lose weight. Normally, doctors start low and move up gradually with medication, so it can take a while to get to normal, which is a shame, because you feel lousy in the meantime. But I do think they…
  • I have an autoimmune disease too (Hashimoto's) and started to have excruciating joint pain and fatigue two years ago. I read about a NIH study involving vitamin B1 in high doses (100mg, 3x a day) along with a B complex. Within days of taking this, my joint pain was gone. I'm not a vitamin person usually, but in this case,…
  • Are you taking hormones post cancer? Changes in things like estrogen and progesterone can make a big difference in thyroid function, so it's important to get that balanced.
  • I took high-dose doxy for Lyme disease twice. I know that my doctor said to take a probiotic with Doxy, because it kills a lot of the good gut bacteria that help in food digestion, etc., along with the bad. Could this be a problem? As a hypothyroid patient, I know that stomach issues can really mess with absorption of…
  • First, give yourself a lot of credit for being here and for trying. Peri-menopause can be complicated and with thyroid issues and being pre-diabetic (which is actually more common in people with thyroid disease), it can be really complicated. All of these things can cause a chemical low that makes it very hard to focus and…