MoBetta4Sure Member


  • Thank you all for your responses. It was a great help. Someone asked why fish oil/ olive oil? Fighting high cholesterol, HDL vs LDL. In the meantime I will reduce my fish oil and olive oil, but for a few days I will track my meals as always, minus the 2 oils. That will set my baseline and I can adjust from there.
  • Soon to be 60 yrs old , 6'-1", 185, I am making great progress with my recomp. I have reduced my fat intake and have learned a little bit. But my sodium intake I can not seem to get control of, and I know sodium retains water. Is life flavorless in the fitness world?
  • Been over 4 weeks waiting for a tendon I irritated doing pullups, so I have stayed away from my weights, cause just straightening my arm at times invokes pain on the inside of my elbow. I have managed to reach my target weight of 185 lbs. +/- 3 lbs over the past 6 months. So I been going hard with my yoga and core workouts…
  • After losing 40 lbs, took 5" off my waist going hard on my core this last 1-1/2" of fat has been tough but @usmcmp let me know that I have been doing it right.