I still love Fraggle Rock! Jenn- PCOS is NO FUN. I'm not sure I'll ever have any kids but I have a feeling that if I try it's not going to be easy. Good luck!
Thanks! I just friended you. As a little update since I posted this, I'm down 15.5 pounds and still loving keto!
I am a fan of stevia. To everyone yelling "SUGAR!!!!"- for those of us who need to stick to a low carb diet such as keto for health reasons (in my case PCOS), sugar is pretty much right out except for tiny amounts and isn't going to work out for cooking needs. I'm in no way opposed to sugar for any reason other than I am…
You are my height and I can't weight to get to 158 again... can't wait to get back there. Thanks for posting.
Name: Becca Reddit Username: chippershredder Stats: Female/32/5'11" Where ya from?: Lexington, KY