

  • I eat egg whites because I have to watch my cholesterol. 2 whole eggs pretty much max out my cholesterol for the day. Also, eating egg whites allow you to eat 4 times as much for the same caloric value.
  • I didn't say there was anything wrong with carbs, I just said they tend to be higher in calories than you might expect. Most people who eat a western diet eat way more breads and cerals than they should (see ye olde food pyramid) I agree with your comment about portions, but if you are watching your calorie intake,…
  • I am a carbophile and am looking for viable lower calorie substitutes. Contrary to the cliche, I could indeed live on bread (and cereals) alone. I'm looking forward to trying the broccoli slaw option - I love broccoli to begin with, and i love pasta - win win.
  • Real pasta is really high in carbs and a good way to max out your calories very quickly. Rice is the same way. Surprisingly high in calories.
  • You are absolutely not alone. I've been dealing with anxiety and depression for most of my adult life. I finally overcame the stigma and got help through meds about 7 years ago and I am SO much happier. I am very familar with the early morning panic attacks . . .they are awful. My best advice (for what it's worth) is . .…