Best pasta substitute ever!



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    you gotta try spegetti squash... once you try that... you will never eat spegetti again!

    Spaghetti squash is one of my favorite vegetables. It tastes nothing at all like pasta. When I want pasta, I still eat pasta.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    White pasta and bread are "quick" carbs, and cause spikes in your blood sugar, which releases insulin. Insulin is also used to store fat. After the insulin is released, your blood sugar comes crashing down, and causes your body to crave more carbs to get your blood sugar back up. It also releases a chemical in your brain that makes you feel good, similar to the way sugar in candy makes you feel, and once that chemical is gone, you're left craving more, so you can feel good again. Whole wheat pasta and bread do not spike your blood sugar the way that the white kind does. It is released slowly into the blood stream, and is also digested much more slowly. Whole wheat bread and pasta also requires energy to be digested, which means you actually burn calories just by eating it. This is not some crazy magazine article BTW either, it's basic physiology. Just an FYI for those that always want everything cited. ;) Also, if you still don't believe me, you can always google it. :) Vegetables also have that fiber, that has the same benefits as whole wheat. This is why people do not like to eat white pasta and bread. I try to avoid "quick carbs" as much as possible, but that's not to say that I never eat them. I just try to make good choices. To each his own though. I just know that I feel better, and don't crave as much junk when I eat the whole wheat stuff. Good luck to everyone. :)))
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I don't understand why if someone has no problem eating pasta, why they'd even click on this thread. It's like if I asked for advice on improving my run time and you clicked on the thread to tell me you hate running. Why would you think I or anyone else cares?

    Anyway, OP, thanks for the thread. I haven't tried broccoli slaw but sounds like a good option when I'd like something simple and pasta-like and don't feel like being bloated and gassy like I get after eating wheat pasta. I do love spaghetti squash...

    Because this is MFP and that's what people do on the forums. I bet if you did post a thread asking for advice on improving your run time, you'd get a bazillion responses telling you to "lift heavy" and "stop running." (I'm sure I'll be banned by the moderators for saying that...)

    Not a single 'lift heavy' 'stop running' at all.

    Tsk. Tsk.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    White pasta and bread are "quick" carbs, and cause spikes in your blood sugar, which releases insulin. Insulin is also used to store fat. After the insulin is released, your blood sugar comes crashing down, and causes your body to crave more carbs to get your blood sugar back up. It also releases a chemical in your brain that makes you feel good, similar to the way sugar in candy makes you feel, and once that chemical is gone, you're left craving more, so you can feel good again. Whole wheat pasta and bread do not spike your blood sugar the way that the white kind does. It is released slowly into the blood stream, and is also digested much more slowly. Whole wheat bread and pasta also requires energy to be digested, which means you actually burn calories just by eating it. This is not some crazy magazine article BTW either, it's basic physiology. Just an FYI for those that always want everything cited. ;) Also, if you still don't believe me, you can always google it. :) Vegetables also have that fiber, that has the same benefits as whole wheat. This is why people do not like to eat white pasta and bread. I try to avoid "quick carbs" as much as possible, but that's not to say that I never eat them. I just try to make good choices. To each his own though. I just know that I feel better, and don't crave as much junk when I eat the whole wheat stuff. Good luck to everyone. :)))

    This isn't exactly true. White pasta cooked al dente has about the same impact on blood sugar as whole wheat pasta. Adding foods with protein and fiber to the sauce lessens the blood sugar spike even less. I find it's best to look at the GI/GL of a meal, rather than single ingredients, since that's how the food is eaten.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    This isn't exactly true. White pasta cooked al dente has about the same impact on blood sugar as whole wheat pasta. Adding foods with protein and fiber to the sauce lessens the blood sugar spike even less. I find it's best to look at the GI/GL of a meal, rather than single ingredients, since that's how the food is eaten.

    this is why I pretty much don't even eat pasta any more- because I was just eating so much sauce with meat in it- I gave up on pasta... LMAO... The way I make it it's no longer "meat sauce" it's more like meat with sauce on it because there is WAY WAY more ground beef or turkey or sausage than sauce- way WAY more. It's delicious.
  • Yeah, I had spaghetti squash a few times and I liked it but then the sweetness got to me and now I can eat it but just not with pasta sauce, ugh! I am going to try broccoli slaw and see if I like that any better!
  • Real pasta is really high in carbs and a good way to max out your calories very quickly. Rice is the same way. Surprisingly high in calories.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I will never understand why people spend so much time creating weird stuff from cauliflower, broccoli, etc. For me, there is no substitute for potatoes, pasta and pizza crust. Glad you tried something and enjoyed it.

    Because of fear mongering and the idea that cutting out foods in which you have no intolerance or allergy to is a good idea

    Or because for some people, pasta (or pizza) triggers binges. I don't know about the OP, but that's definitely the case for me. I used to eat big bowls of pasta for dinner every night. Then I got fat. So now I sometimes portion it out and have one serving, but other days, I'd rather use the calories elsewhere. Besides, broccoli slaw is healthy.

    Another great option is zucchini "pasta" - just use a regular or julienne peeler to slice the zucchini.


    for the record - pasta did not make you fat ...consuming too much food over your daily calorie allowance made you fat....
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    you gotta try spegetti squash... once you try that... you will never eat spegetti again!

    Oh how I LOVE Spaghetti Squash. My mom makes turkey meatballs that taste just like Italian Sausage with a homemade Marinara....

    MOM, I'm coming over for Dinner! Make the spaghetti squash stuff!!!!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Real pasta is really high in carbs and a good way to max out your calories very quickly. Rice is the same way. Surprisingly high in calories.

    There is nothing wrong with carbs and if you eat a sensible portion size you will not max out you're calories.

    Moderation people, shocking I know :noway:
  • I am a carbophile and am looking for viable lower calorie substitutes. Contrary to the cliche, I could indeed live on bread (and cereals) alone. I'm looking forward to trying the broccoli slaw option - I love broccoli to begin with, and i love pasta - win win.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Please let this be a joke.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    There is no substitute for pasta.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Why do these threads always involve vegetables and not cocaine?
  • Real pasta is really high in carbs and a good way to max out your calories very quickly. Rice is the same way. Surprisingly high in calories.

    There is nothing wrong with carbs and if you eat a sensible portion size you will not max out you're calories.

    Moderation people, shocking I know :noway:
    I didn't say there was anything wrong with carbs, I just said they tend to be higher in calories than you might expect. Most people who eat a western diet eat way more breads and cerals than they should (see ye olde food pyramid) I agree with your comment about portions, but if you are watching your calorie intake, lowering your consumption of foods high in carbohydrates is a good way to lower your overal caloric intake.
  • wow, there are such negative comments. there really is no need for negative comments, why would you even respond if you even look at it if its not something to interest you. you should all go back to the rule about not saying anything unless you have something nice to say. i am very interested in broccoli slaw which is something ive never heard of. and i have heard of spaghetti squash which i really liked. but pizza, pasta and breads are trigger foods for me and its easier to find healthier alternatives rather than trying to portion it out. plus, usually with veggies you can eat a whole lot more.
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    I was introduced to MIRACLE NOODLE and havent looked back! They are 0 carbs 0 Fat 0 sugar and best of all, whatever you cook them with is what they taste like, so if you make spaghetti, they take on those flavors! Amazing!

    I ordered them from

    no i dont sell them, im not a representative, i just love them!

    Try them out, if you dont like them, they give you your money back!

    In the essence of education. Here's some medical, scientific knowledge on the main ingredient in these noodles. They do have side effects and drug interactions, especially in Diabetics, so you'd probably want to talk to your Doctor if you were going to eat this.
    I'll let you do the reading and research on your own. I take an oral prescription, not for Diabetes, but I would probably never eat these noodles.
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    Why do these threads always involve vegetables and not cocaine?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    No Reservations episode where they're destroying 6 million dollars worth of confiscated cocaine and Anthony Bourdan says, "Somewhere a high fashion model is crying..."

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I will never understand why people spend so much time creating weird stuff from cauliflower, broccoli, etc. For me, there is no substitute for potatoes, pasta and pizza crust. Glad you tried something and enjoyed it.

    Because of fear mongering and the idea that cutting out foods in which you have no intolerance or allergy to is a good idea

    Or because for some people, pasta (or pizza) triggers binges. I don't know about the OP, but that's definitely the case for me. I used to eat big bowls of pasta for dinner every night. Then I got fat. So now I sometimes portion it out and have one serving, but other days, I'd rather use the calories elsewhere. Besides, broccoli slaw is healthy.

    Another great option is zucchini "pasta" - just use a regular or julienne peeler to slice the zucchini.


    for the record - pasta did not make you fat ...consuming too much food over your daily calorie allowance made you fat....

    You are right. And that's EXACTLY what I said. (Hence "big" bowls of pasta...) So I'm really not sure why you felt the need to respond that way.

    For the record (since apparently I wasn't clear) - If I'm craving pasta, then really I'm craving the sauce. I get much more mileage out of vegetables. Yes, I need to learn portion control. But in the mean time, I choose to cut out pasta as much as possible because I have no control. And vegetables are healthy, so really, who cares.
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    This thread has gone off course

    The OP is recommending a substitute for pasta in the hopes of helping others. I doubt they need a whole thread of people arguing over carbs back and forth with silly general knowledge (control your portion size) thrown in.

    Thank you for the broccoli slaw option and the squash option and the sauce only option.

    And I apologize for any topic derailment I was involved in (It was a really funny No Reservations episode though)