mackardi Member


  • I double quoted and can't figure out how to delete it, so I apologize. But I am watching my sugar intake as well in that I'm trying to eliminate foods with added sugar. When I first started using MFP I alwayyyyyyyyys went over my sugar for the day, mostly thanks to my morning energy drink and a granola bar or two…
  • Currently doing low carb (carbs from healthy sources like fruits and veggies) because I found myself heavily dependent on granola bars throughout the day. I'm on my 5th day and I haven't weighed myself but I feel lighter and more energetic. It's also helped me with changing up the foods in eating and trying new recipes. I…
  • Coconut Greek yogurt..tastes like ice cream to me, coconut chips, bear naked protein bars pb flavor Ps..I used to hate coconut..but I've learned to love it
  • They did!!! Much less chub on my cheekbones to compete with!
  • Still on my journey, down almost 80 pounds with 20 more to go!!!
  • Try mixing 2 egg whites for every full egg with yolk (I love the fricking yolk)...also...quinoa!!! Superfood!!! I just made it for the first time- Mexican style..tastes like tacos!!! Plus you can load it with veggies and it's just a bowl of healthy deliciousness
  • What do you define as 'food issues'? Is it an over indulgence issue or is it a 'I know I should be eating healthier' issue?
  • I'm one size away and getting sooooo close!!! Congrats!!! I can't wait to say the same thing!!! Most recent NSV for me- I was walking through my office and my class ring from high school (that i now wear on my thumb) slipped right off!!!! I need to get it sized!!!
  • I will def be checking it out!
    in Yoga Comment by mackardi February 2015
  • I started out with an app on my phone (free) called Simply Yoga Free..I started with the 20 minute exercise for a week, the second week I did the 20 minute and then one 40 on and so forth. The biggest lesson I learned early on is to listen to your body!! You will know when to move up on time/difficulty and if…
    in Yoga Comment by mackardi February 2015
  • Lol..doesn't matter how you got there!! So glad you're reaping the benefits!! I feel the same way about yoga..I was on anxiety medication for years (klonopin/Xanax) and I hated it..the longer I was on it the less I could function. While I was being weaned off I looked into yoga for its stress/anxiety relief benefits and…
    in Yoga Comment by mackardi February 2015
  • Good luck, have fun!!! Let me know how you like it!!!
    in Yoga Comment by mackardi February 2015
  • Awesome! Thank you!!
    in Yoga Comment by mackardi February 2015
  • I love my inner shape up more than my outer shape up! It radiates!!
    in Yoga Comment by mackardi February 2015
  • I did know about the site but I didn't know that you could write 0 and get it for free! I'm definitely doing fitness on a budget so that's awesome :)
    in Yoga Comment by mackardi February 2015
  • I'm currently 163, I started at 240 and I wanna get down to 140...would love to make some friends on here!!
  • I could never, ever give up tacos!!! My best tip for wanting to eat the not so healthy foods is doing some online googling for recipes and looking for ways to make those foods just a tad healthier. Try switching out proteins..make your own taco seasoning, add in some avocado, black beans, more veggies, will make…