journeytoslim1 Member


  • I joined slimming world 3 months ago and have lost 2 stone I’m so happy prior to that i was using my fitness pal for 8 months and lost just over a stone so In total I’ve lost 3 stone 4.5lbs. The difference isn’t how much I was eating as I always stayed under by target cals on mfp, it’s what I was eating and making a…
  • I also purchased some slim rice made from konjac now I'm too scared to try these! Will be googling them before I eat them to make sure they don't have u wanted side affects
  • Lol i think I'll stick to my Normal green tea with lemon - I'm not a berry tea fan and haven't really found anything else I like the taste for (tired ginger tea, some lavender one and a raspberry tea could really drink any!)
  • Omg I didn't realise I just went by the name as thought it was a green tea with hunger suppressor - defo don't need this tea then!! Luckily it was only a couple of ££ will pass onto anyone who May need help going to the loo! ;)
  • Thanks guys I'm changing my eating habits and for me both exercise and a clean diet work. I'm a terrible snack eater and don't eat meals - lots of empty calories so keeping track of food using mfp helps
  • Well current weight is now 196lbs ;(( I was 180 and then lost motivation and slowly gained. Goal is to lose at least 20lb before the end of the year!