Lost and gained ;(( now starting again

Well I worked hard all summer lost over 1.5 stones and put it all back on within 3 months gutted is an understatement

Looking for some good links to you tube work out videos people have successfully lost by using. Too embarrassed to go back to my gym as its been 3 months and want to build my fitness again before I go to my usual classes

Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • jenathp
    jenathp Posts: 92 Member
    I don't know how big you are but I love the Biggest Loser Power Walk series. I do them in my office since I work from home. Just look for it on youtube. There are more strenuous ones out there I'm sure but that's all I can muster. :)
  • journeytoslim1
    journeytoslim1 Posts: 8 Member
    Well current weight is now 196lbs ;(( I was 180 and then lost motivation and slowly gained. Goal is to lose at least 20lb before the end of the year!
  • VanityAngel2015
    VanityAngel2015 Posts: 17 Member
    Big fan of fitness blender on YouTube. They have loads of videos for all fitness levels and goals ☺
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Just set yourself a reasonable deficit, eat your calories, weigh your food.
    Exercise for your health.
    Look at nerdfitness it is a bodyweight routine that will help you retain muscle as you lose, and resculpt your body. Build up to completing the whole routine. I will complement any cardio that you do.
    Always eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories. You need to fuel your burn.

    Cheers, h.

  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I love fitnessblender. Lots of videos for all areas of the body and levels of fitness.
  • journeytoslim1
    journeytoslim1 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks guys I'm changing my eating habits and for me both exercise and a clean diet work.

    I'm a terrible snack eater and don't eat meals - lots of empty calories so keeping track of food using mfp helps
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome back, good luck!
  • sinbadfxdl
    sinbadfxdl Posts: 103 Member
    Well current weight is now 196lbs ;(( I was 180 and then lost motivation and slowly gained. Goal is to lose at least 20lb before the end of the year!

    We'll your still ahead of me. I'm attempting to get to 180. Started last year from 237lbs. Now I'm half there. Get motivated and get back in th ring. I would like to be 196.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    edited November 2015
    Well I worked hard all summer lost over 1.5 stones and put it all back on within 3 months gutted is an understatement

    Looking for some good links to you tube work out videos people have successfully lost by using. Too embarrassed to go back to my gym as its been 3 months and want to build my fitness again before I go to my usual classes

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Losing weight is mostly about what (and how much) you eat. Exercise is great for physical and mental health though and sometimes the healthiness can permeate through your life I find.

    Perhaps some reflection on why you gained the weight back is a good idea. It ultimately means that the way you lost weight wasn't sustainable for you in the long term. If you can drill down into why that was the case it might be able to influence your approah this time around. If you can create healthy habbits that become "just what you do" as a deafult then it becomes easier in the long run. Not hard and fast rules but general behavioural patterns or defaults that will help guide you to a lower weight for life. Things you tell yourself about yourself that you believe to be true become who you are in your mind.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You can do this.
    We've all 'fallen off' at some point. It's totally okay - you have not failed. This is trial and error. You'll get there.

    Stay strong and please don't be embarassed. Get back to your glasses, hold your head high and enjoy being the person you want to be :)