Marthy101 Member


  • I wish I knew too ! I seriously have NO friends! A couple of online acquaintences, a couple of estranged dear friends. I need chick friends! ☹️
  • Thanks! All great ideas! I know better (i. e. Protein, water, etc.) but I guess I've lost focus, motivation. Oh- and I'm lazy! I did actually write your list down! I have not lost Any weight in several months! Seriously. Used to average 1lb down a week, now I'm afraid of the scale. I did go down a size not too long ago,…
  • Mmmmm... Chocolate milk! Haven't had that in forever. Hmmm... I often crave crunchy-ness as well as sweet, though. The cocoa roast almonds were ideal. I'd weigh out a reasonable portion- yum. It became too easy to keep tossing back more and more handfuls...I had to quit buying them!
  • Good points! Ugh- I suspect the hormone theory may be correct! No fair! It's hard enough as it is! Thx
  • Thanks, ladies! I'm tryyyying for a 1400 calorie goal + exercise almost every day. I've been good about exercise, at least. I started off the day already 550 calories 'behind'! I had a bunch of sweet cereal at midnight last night. I'd already maxed out Sunday calories, so I counted it on today's!!!
  • Yes, you're being way too hard on yourself, you can do it, and don't give up!!! Lentils?? Geez, I was expecting you to say hot fudge cake or something!! Big diffence between underestimating calories, and knowingly overeating (my problem
  • Thanks, everyone! Some good ideas... I was feeling positive and motivated yesterday after reading your posts. Unfortunately someone brought pineapple upside down cake to work!! Ah! Just 1 very small piece, buuuut- grrrr!
  • Thanks, everybody! Boredom? Maybe, but near bedtime (or up in the middle of the night!), probably not that. Habit? Definitely! Ugh- breaking a bad habit is the trick. Yes, a non-food treat would be perfect! Hmmm...if only a pleasant distraction would work! Maybe I'll tryyyy to read, do my nails in lieu of peanut butter,…
  • Wow, you're good! Hmm, I don't have to have the tv on, but it IS a strong habit. I used to eat a lot of sugar free, etc., doesn't work now. I like the idea of allowing for the calories- I tryyyy. I have 1 Reese's at night (awful, I know!). 210 cal- I plan for it, but then I want More! A small clean snack follows, then…
  • Aw- I feel your pain! Been there, having a tad of it myself now! I'm "good" all day with food- still not deprived. Then... in the evening, I don't give a damn any more! It's a new day, I'm going to walk outside before it gets super hot, hit the gym (or lift weights at home) And stick to my eating plan for the day! Let's do…
  • Sounds great! Exercise is the way to go. Well, you can't eat ice cream sundaes every day, of course! I'd like to eat for health, and hope lbs come off too. So many scary chemicals in proceeded food!! I've been overeating a bit of late, though. OK, I am now going to get off the couch and do an at- home workout!! (Weights).…
  • Well, I just had a bowl of yummy granola with skim milk. Not too bad, I guess, but it puts me way over calorie quota AND it's late! I'm hungry, though.
  • Thanks! Good ideas. Also, now I wish I'd come up with a more creative screen name. My problem is Not hunger! Just craving! Late at night mostly. If I overeat late or in the middle of night, I count it on the next day!! But then I start off in hole! Grrr.
  • Thanks! I really don't keep much junk in the house, though! Also, if I'm determined to gorge, I can be quite resourceful
  • I just deleted my long rambling response in lieu of this: I must reiterate what Ninkyou (?) said- run, don't walk to a good therapist! I do. Give him or her a chance, like a few sessions' worth of discussing, but if they can't/ won't / don't help- move on to someone else! Oh- I'm rambling after all- I just read that you'd…
  • I need friends too! My app is acting funny, dunno if this will post right... I'll "like" your accomplishments! I like "likes" too! I need motivation/ support too. I've lost 42 lbs over the past year, but lately I've been eating like a Pig and slacking on the exercise!! I'm horrified that I may gain back a bunch when I…
  • Thanks. Yes, has tons of resources- I use their Bodyspace app to track workouts. I try not to do the same exact workouts for forever, but lately on tri/ bi day I've been doing: Seated tri overhead Bench dip Hammer curls Concentration curls Barbell curls Tri kickback Incline alt dumbbell curls Dumbbell…
  • Likehikeo- I agree with the others!!! MFP is not a good thing for you now. I am no expert on nutrition and mental health, but this is seriously dangerous! Please talk to someone to help you stop this, before your health is seriously compromised!!! Make an appointment with a therapist. NO shame in it, I talk to one…
  • Thanks guys!!! Some great ideas and info!!! Yikes- "servings" can actually be frighteningly tiny!
  • I actually do that sometimes! Not's hard! Good idea, thanks!
  • Thx! But I've held on to the extra pound for a week!! Also, I suspect my days of ovulating may have ceased already
  • Thanks everyone! I know I should eat more 'clean', whole foods, protein, etc. and less processed, etc. But that's a lot of work (and math!). I also have a bad habit of snacking in the middle of the night- after being "good" all day! I don't need it...,but I don't know how to break the habit! - Also, I need more "friends"…
  • Thanks, B. I'm not exactly sure what my calorie goal should be. MFP assigned me 1400 something, but I changed it to 1350 (worked before). Well, I go over any way..
  • Oh!!! Ha ha. Nope... I think that's history for me :
  • Wow! You've lost a lot! Way to go! I don't know what "TOM" means, and, alas, I fear ovulation may not be a factor
  • Thanks! I think I've been eating a little more than I should lately, after reviewing my food log. Still....Grrrr! I will keep at it and do better!!
  • I have a serious sweet tooth too! I often have something "bad" in controlled portions (i.e. chocolate candy). That's not really healthy/ clean, though. Sugar free Fudgdicles (40 cal ea) are good, a small box of chocolate yogurt raisins= 110 cal, and I'm going to try drizzling chocolate syrup (sugar free?) over a banana.…
  • Hmm OK, thanks. I don't really want to invest in any pricey devices. I guess I'll gauge my workout effectiveness by visable muscle improvement ....
  • I only add women too. Hate to leave out good people, but a lot of diet& exercise issues vary with gender! Also, I don't want to look like I'm using this as a dating site ! Ha! Hubby wouldn't like that. I need friends too!!!