I had just started running and LOVING it, when I developed some health issues (nothing serious but it has hung up my sneakers for awhile). I have decided I am ready to give her a go again! I don't run fast! I don't run far! But I am a runner (a horrible horrible runner XD) darn it! I can't wait to get my sneakers on! Super…
Is it possible to still join? This is a great idea! Will you do it again in June?
Hi Colette! It is lovely to meet you. I have been here awhile but only just started playing in the community and chatting a bit. How are you settling in?
You could also look into a greens powder! Which is a lower calorie ready made option. You can get powder that is easily mixed into juice ect or I believe they sell it in capsules now...
You can hide them in things :) Two easy suggestions are 1) chop up some green stuff (spinach or broccoli worked well for me, when hiding them from kids LOL) very small and add it to pizza between sauce and other toppings. (Pizza doesn't have to be a calorie no, just a careful plan!) And puree spinach added to brownie…
34 down 169 to go :P how are you?
That is very mature! Honestly you have to cheat once in a while or it can be hard not to fall of the wagon.
Been using it a few months and love it! Highly recommend fitbit
Yeah I think we all have those days but don't lose hope! It could be your are coming up on time for your monthly cycle :P OOOOOR and this is the nicer option it could be that you are about to drop some weight. That will do it to you too! You can't be too strict too often. Enjoy your cheat day and do better tomorrow.