Misshelgeson Member


  • Well this is a nice thread I would like some crafty friends I crochet I don't usually paint but I just did my truck I make some pretty awesome cakes and can knit a little
  • Love this so true
  • Anyone can add me I'm on everyday
  • I had disk replacement surgery that caused me to gain 45 lbs and I was in top shape I have lost 30 lbs and was just diagnosed with bursitis arthritis nerve damage and a torn rotator cuff I do my best everyday in spite of pain and workout the areas I can even with injuries you can keep in shape with diet and just take it…
  • I hear you i was 185 5'2" I'm now 149 my father buys me a candy whenever he goes to the store and my boyfriend buys a pie a week and yells at me for not eating it or leftovers fast enough and when I log my calories or go to the gym my bf says is that really helping you at all. I'll ask him can't you tell and he says you…
  • Losing weight or maintaining is time and all consuming just remind yourself how difficult it is if you get too far off I've lost 28lbs and have about 20 more to go I wouldn't want to start all over again and that motivates me to keep going good luck
  • I get it my boyfriend that calls me fat found out I joined a gym so now he buys pies all the time and yells at me not to waste them my father brings me home a candy bar any time he goes to the store which is several times a week everyone in your life will try to sabotage you because they want/need you for everything and…
  • Run and go by twenty one pilots ;)
  • Slow and steady wins the race don't get discouraged I gained seven lbs when I started and only make one change at a time so you can stick with it small goals are easier 10 minutes on the treadmill and work your way up replace bad behaviors with good ones good luck
  • Well at least I'm in good company I binge on chocolate the whole family size bag of peanut m&ms or chocolate covered almonds king size candy bar what have you I can't have it in the house and avoid the aisle in the store. when I'm working out I start thinking how hard I had to workout just to work off my English muffin I…
  • I share my treats with my two children that way I don't eat too much and I do more exercise or cut back on a meal like no mashed potatoes if I want a couple pieces
  • More people have injures than I thought I have nerve damage and two disks in my neck replaced I don't do any over head exercises and only lift 5-10 lbs I work real hard on abs and lower body to work around it p.f. has an abs room I love