culb2012 Member


  • My goodness, it's like we're twins... right down to the multiple dinner prep with being a vegetarian and my husband insisting he'll die without his meat, lol. Luckily I have brought my daughter over to the veggie side with me by having her watch a few documentaries. It's a real struggle sometimes, especially when you're…
  • Welcome back! I'm recommitting today too! :) I love how your reason has to do with being there for your family. Having that strong "why" will keep you going. I'm also working on me to be the best version of myself, to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, etc, to set a good example for my daughter, and to feel…
  • And over 100 pounds lost!? Woot woot! Awesome achievement. :)
  • When we become healthier, we tend to become happier. We're less cynical. We see the beauty in things we didn't before. We have more energy. We're excited about things! Sometimes we do start to change. It's not a bad thing. Sometimes people feel left out or like we feel we're better than them. For the people that really…
  • Let's do this! :) I'll add you. :)
  • I have the Fitbit HR, Lauren. :) It is worn on the wrist and also measures your heart rate continuously. It counts your steps and your sleep and all sorts of other things. I also just figured out today that I can link it to MFP, lol. I'm very happy with it. :)
  • I have the regular 21-Day Fix and just ordered the 21-Day Fix Extreme... eeek. :) I do love the program though! Definitely get involved with your assigned coach because they have a wealth of information and they're really and truly awesome. My coach helped me change my life and inspired me to become one myself. Those…
  • Hi Lauren! It sounds like you have some really good "WHYs," and those are really important for success. :) When you have a big goal like that, the best thing you can do is make yourself a road map and reverse engineer your goal. If you're going to try to lose 2 pounds a week, that would take you 20 weeks. But, you also…
  • I've struggled with this for years! Only in the last five months or so have I started to get it figured out. That's not to say I don't have slip-ups here and there... random packages of Girl Scout cookies... darn those cute kids (I've actually drawn the blinds and hidden from them before when they ring the bell, LOL), but…