mizzmarble Member


  • My thoughts were that if you under eat/have too much deficit in your diet you won't have energy to do the strength training/recovery and also that strength training doesn't burn masses of calories like cardio does so would you have to have a large deficit to lose the fat if not burning as many calories thus not as much…
  • obv a good diet too :)
  • Thanks guys you've all been helpful :) x
  • i log everything either on myfitness pal or fitbit app, hence why there looks like there is blanks. Im a little obsessive with recording and weighing everything out so i know exactly what I have consumed. With regards to the split of macros, I wanted to get my carbs under 100g but struggle going too low on carbs ie. under…
  • Thanks :) I'll just keep powering on and see how I go :)
  • Thanks guys, this had made me feel a lot better :)
  • Thanks ruth! :)
  • I guess I will just have to stick at it and hope for the best. lol :)
  • So apparently based on my BMR I should be eating 1900 cals a day approx, I have dropped this to 1200/1300 max. I then exercise for an hour a day 30mins cardio and 45 mins strength 6 times a week. so surely thats a big deficit? i also wear a fitbit and make sure I at least hit the 10000 steps a day reccomended, before i…
  • have lost in total 5 lb over 4 months, I want to lose stone in total loss, I started this about 4 months ago. Could it be possible that i am losing fat whilst building muscle hence the loss of inches( i have lost 4 inches off my waist), i don't know, it's hard to keep up the motivation when I am working hard already for…
  • So I have lost in total 5 lb over 4 months, which is not great! this is just approximately 1 pound per month! I want to lose stone in total loss) I started this about 4 months ago. Could it be possible that i am losing fat whilst building muscle hence the loss of inches and not loss on the scales? just wonder with the…
  • its not a regular loss though, its like one week I lose, next back up, then down then same, its not consistently 1/2lb a week. i am constantly around the same weight.
  • yea i eat back my calories so that i always net 1200.
  • calories burned is based on what the cardio machines actually say ive burned on the machines. ie. 35 mins on a stepper at level 16 - 18 resistance, = 600 cals plus other cardio I do such as tread mill 10 mins = 100cals, etc etc. i spend an hour to 2 hours every day at the gym. my calroies always total what ever the net…
  • Hi guys sorry for the late reply... thanks for all your responses.... I drink about 8- 9 glasses of water a day and eat regualry to keep my metabolism up. I don't really eat many carbs (ie. bread). My daily diet tends to consist of things like.... Porridge for breakfast (made with water not milk) and green tea 200grams of…