One of my friend brought up the pH balance issue too! I have to ask my doctors about thrush. As far as I know I haven't been tested for that.
Sorry if I don't get all the questions answered. I've been tested for lime disease. For the past almost 12 years I've gotten strep once a year and I have had some 7lbs of tumors removed from my body over the past 3 years; so I've been on tons of antibiotics and other drugs. My doctors (3 I seen at least 3 times a year…
Thanks for the website!
I'm having an over growth of bacteria on my tonsils so too much dairy and yeast is possibly making it worst. What is quick bread?
An organic nutritionist. Do you have any meal suggestions?
I've had this problem for two years now since I had some (non cancer) tumors removed. I was heavy before but I was able to wake up early to workout for 30 minutes before work but didn't eat well. Then I dropped 20 very quickly after surgery because I was on bed rest for two weeks and on a restricted diet. I used that time…
You're right I do. I get so focus with drinking 2 liters of water, 4 serves of vegetables and no sugar feel drained by the time I get home.
Thanks! I could when the weather isn't bad or if I don't work through my lunch.
I don't have any tips and I feel like I'm in the same boat but CONGRATULATIONS on what you have accomplished!