healthygal95 Member


  • Well, according to the diary one load (no, I didn't actually log it, but I didn't believe it was on here so I had to look it up) is either 3/4 tsp or 3.4 ml. Two users have confirmed it. Had no clue it had potassium in it!
  • I drink juice because it makes me feel great, as a snack, not as a fast or meal replacement. To each their own, but I don't think it's a great idea to use it as a weight loss tool
  • My suggestion is set it to maintain your weight, the go to settings, set your own goals, and add 300 calories to whatever that number is. I think you can also change your macros in that area to whatever is suggested for you. Best of luck and congrats!
  • Literally anything that didn't walk, crawl, swim, slither, fly, have a mother, father, or face. ;) No, seriously though it's veggies, fruit, grain, bean, nuts and seeds.
  • When I would take some brands of multivitamins they made me really sick within the hour. I would get dizzy and throw up. After experimenting I found out it's just certain brands. No idea why. I've only found one brand that didn't bother me, but they are expensive to take daily.
  • Vegan here with an open diet, feel free to add me.
  • Everything the first poster said all over again! My big tip would be to get a b12 supplement. Unless you are eating vegetables with dirt still visible, there is no way to get it in a vegan diet. Also, remember to eat your veggies! It's really easy to be a unhealthy vegan.
  • Out pops a vegan! :) It's totally easy to eat enough calories. Everything Lauren said, and with nuts and seeds. If you like smoothies, they are an easy way to up calories, as is drinking soy milk.
  • Thanks so much for that long post! That's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for! And ^ that is serious inspiration. I love walking outside (I live right by the beach, so I get pretty scenery) so I figure running is probably the most natural thing to try first. My only concern is that I sprained my ankle badly twice…
  • I figure I have a pretty big goal, so I'm giving myself a full year to the day to reach it. After I get to my goal weight, I might decided to tweak it depending on how my body looks. I want to be fit, healthy, and yes, trim. I'm also going to set fitness goals along the way, like being able to do men pushups, or run my…
  • As long as it fits into your calories, spread out your calories however you wish. Although I'm new to this, everything I've read on the forums saw that CICO is what matters most, timing does not
  • Thank you for your advice! I see that you are really close to your goal weight, may I ask about how many calories you eat a day? I know that calorie counts are individual, but I am curious. I know I love yoga, but I'm not sure if that counts as enough activity. I'm thinking about taking up running, because I love being…
  • I've been toying with the idea of losing weight by getting really motivated for a few days and then quitting because I felt horribly hungry or wanted a stupid amount of food, so I do already have a digital food scale. I always thought I had to eat 1200 to lose weight, so I'm glad that I'm finding out that isn't the case.…
  • Can't blame you at all for choosing a! When I adjust to lightly active it give me 1630 calories, which seems infinitely more doable. I've gone through times when I decided to lose weight, but would do so eating at 900-1200 calories for a few weeks (Less is more, right? *sarcasm*) and would always give in, binge eat, and…
  • Nice! Sounds like you have a lot going on! So you think I should also add in exercise on my off days? I've heard weight loss is mostly diet, and exercise is for body composition, but I have no personal experience. I've been lurking and reading these forums religiously, and I'm still unclear on how much exercise is needed.
  • Any suggestions for a nice active hobby to take up? Mostly when I'm home on my off days involve caring for my five animals (three cats, two dogs) and 30 minute walks for the dogs (it will be an hour when they recover from there surgeries.) Besides that I am mostly watching tv or studying for college, which is why I think…
  • Feel free to watch the documentary if you wish. I've seen it and found it very motivational to eat less processed foods and more whole foods. I think it's general message is a positive one, which is to eat well and love your body, but take their science with a grain of salt. I tried to find what studies or evidence there…
  • Thank you for the reply! You think lightly active would be acceptable for the days when I am off work as well?
  • Another vegan here. Totally welcome new friends!
  • A few months back, after my mom found out I was sexually active at nearly twenty and with a guy I've been with for over a year, (she was so surprised!) she became paranoid that I was pregnant. At one point while sitting on the couch next to her while wearing a tank top, she turned to me and asked "Where did that belly come…