jrbolinski Member


  • I need to lose 100 pounds. I gained 80 pounds in the last 5 years do to stress and health issues, but I'm ready to kick butt. My oldest graduates high school this year and I want to be at my best for him and his brother. Question : how many calories is everyone eating a day?? Also what type of exercise?? I joined a gym but…
  • Curious how many calories a day everyone is eating??
  • I'm almost 44 a wife and bother of two boys 17 and 14. I have about 100 pounds to lose. And I'm tired of being tired and I would love to finally finish my weight loss journey, especially for my son's graduation in June!!
  • Hello everyone!! Starting backup and feeling really positive! I have a little over a 100 pounds to lose and I'm looking for people to give me support and t push me and I'm also here to GIVE my support and a push if needed.
  • was wondering how often everyone jumps on the scale? Me and the scale usually don't get together but I'm thinking it's time to figure out a routine for me and the scale from hell lol.
  • Any suggestions for exercises for people with arthritis, lupus and fibromyalgia would be appreciated
  • Hello everyone. 6 years ago I was 4 pounds from being out of the 200's and now I'm 80 pounds away from it. I'm turning 42 this week and my commitment and goal for myself is to be out of the 200's for my next birthday! I'm looking for some fitpal friends to give and receive support and any healthy eating and exercise advice
  • Sorry haven't been on family sick with the flu & I've been playing nurse. I love new friends too@ the more support the better. I am down 17 pounds since February 4. This app is extremely helpful!!!
  • Hope everyone is doing great! I didn't lose this week, but I didn't let it get to me. in the past I would of thrown in the towel. Lets keep trucking along!
  • Was suppose to be a rest day, but I did a little calisthenics. every little bit counts :smile:
  • I definitely felt a little sore in my thighs the next day after using the bike, but it was a good pain :smile: I am going to start the free weights next week & some ab work. I have an elliptical but I can never do more than 5 minutes. my goal is to accomplish that elliptical. anyone else use that machine? @Ijustdecided-…
  • I started adding my exercise back in. I did 20 minutes of the stationary bike yesterday & it felt great to get moving again. I have several health issues that I deal with but I'll manage. My plan is to be fit by 41 :wink:
  • I love snacks at night time when I'm watching tv so I started putting a serving size of cinnamon Life cereal or Kix cereal in snack bags so I can just grab them. kix cereal is great 120 calories for a cup & a half of cereal.
  • Today, I introduced exercise back into my life & it felt wonderful! I'm sure tomorrow my body will feel different lol :smiley:
  • I'm ready for this change for me, my husband & my boys! I do know I need all the support I can get!!! LETS DO THIS TOGETHER!
  • Only lost half pound this week, better then nothing. down 8.5 pounds! Question, how often does anyone weigh themselves?
  • I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks & tomorrow is weigh in day, fingers crossed! Hope everyone has an AWESOME week!