Add me I'm always looking for more mutual support! :D
I'm going to be 50 in October. Count me in.
Add me. I was an at home home to 5. No life like it!
Also this
Hi I'd like join! Add me, I'll be 50 in October.
Add me! I'm looking for support too ad so far (fingers crossed) I've logged every day.
I think everybody's body starts to pooch out a bit at some point, but I think "realistic and smart" is the way to go. The fact that you're trying at all is already more than a great many are doing. Take care of yourself. :)
It's possible you could be triggering a migraine based on the regularity of your headaches. Do you have a history?
Start by reducing the amount of salt in all your food. I have high blood pressure and it has helped a lot. Read labels and shoot for below 10% DV.
Ok so I started a group called "50 and Focused on Fabulous" for anyone who is interested in supporting and being supported online by people who are in the same boat as we are: older and trying to lose the weight (for whatever reason) and not feeling supported at home.
Wow! I'm actually amazed at the number of people who responded! :D I'm so excited to have so many people want to help. And be helped. I really want to stay positive and focus on the things we are all doing right. I am sure we could all use the support. If for some reason I didn't add you, it's because I'm having techno…