mummyhazell Member


  • Hello, welcome to MFP. I'm sure we all understand how easy it is to gain weight. I lost 30lbs using MFP but didn't go back on it properly and over time (about a year) I managed to regain 21lbs. Back on it now. I like the flexibility it gives you, but you must log everything. To be honest, once you've gone it a while, you…
  • I lost 30lbs between September 2014 and May 2015 using MFP. Weight slowly crept back on, so I have started back on properly today, will log everything as before. My main exercise is walking to/from work (just under 3 miles in total) plus we're NT members and enjoy walking round the various properties. I've stopped bringing…
  • Welcome! So the positive is that you're not at your biggest - that's good! I've used MFP since last October and have lost just over 2 stone to June. Went away for 2 weeks holiday and only put on 4-5 lbs which I was happy with. Since then have found it hard to get back on track (75% of the time I'm fine) and have put on…
  • You've done really well - big congratulations! How long has this taken? I've been using app since 20 October and have lost 20lb so far - about 1lb a week although bit of yo-yoing around Xmas - only a couple of pounds but it broke my flow - still got to enjoy yourself too! This is the longest I've ever stuck to anything…