determined_14 Member


  • Lest anyone think I dropped out of my own thread, I’m still here! Reading everything. Just busy today! Thanks for the thoughts. They all about align with my own take, but I’ve never (yet!) struggled with obesity and don’t want to presume I know what it’s like. I was pretty sure the unsustainably low metabolism and the body…
  • I find the app now has problems with no longer sorting your "recent" or "frequent" foods by meal. So if I eat the same snack every day, and I go to add it from either of those lists, instead of only my snack foods, it has everything I've eaten recently or frequently for every meal, mixed all together in one list.
  • Oh, the mental images this thread produces! :D
  • The title of this made me chuckle, as I totally pictured ladies pumping iron IN the office! :D
  • I love StrongLifts 5x5 and
  • Nighttime snacking is easy to do mindlessly and can reduce or eliminate a deficit... but if one is still weighing and logging said snacks, this advice is an arbitrary rule. I kind of live for my evening snacks and NCIS Los Angeles. ;)
  • @GottaBurnEmAll ^^This is awesome! I'm totally stealing it (I won't take credit for it) to post on her blog. I've been digging around online myself too. Is reputable? It seems like it, but I wasn't sure.
  • Thanks. I've hung around here long enough to believe that to be true. I really like this woman's blog (she usually writes about marriage, not health) and I'm having a hard time leaving this one alone. I think I need to go find some peer reviewed sources to refute these claims.
  • I lost inches around my bust line, along with everywhere else, but I didn't lose my chest. As I lost inches in my waist, it made my chest seem proportionately bigger and gave me a better figure.
  • In general for any fat or oil, it should come in at around 100 cals/tbs, give or take a few. And it will be virtually all fat grams (9cals/g in fat). You can always check your label to compare to the database.
  • I'm a fan of Thursday or Friday morning weekly weigh-ins. I tend to be more precise in my logging and careful in my eating choices during the week than on the weekend. We also eat Mexican on Friday nights, which I love, so a Saturday morning weigh-in could be artificially high from increased sodium and food volume. My…
  • Be cautious about logging/eating back your exercise calories. The intensity and duration of the exercise you describe doesn't burn a ton of calories-- I'm sure you're working hard, but don't eat a ton of food to "compensate" for your exercise. Also, as others said, be patient. Take photos. Measure with a tape measure. Two…
  • If you're trying to get in more fats, but aren't too keen on the coconut oil in coffee plan, I recommend heavy whipping cream in coffee-- delicious! Just be sure to measure because there's a ton of calories in that stuff. :)
  • As I understand it, muscle is metabolically "expensive"-- it takes more calories to maintain than fat. The body wants to run as efficiently as it can, just in case all the food runs out, so on a deficit the first thing it wants to get rid of is all that calorie-demanding muscle. By eating sufficient protein and lifting…
  • To all the others, thanks for chiming in! I appreciate the info. :)
  • I assure you that my hips are not fine. The right one is stiff and sore chronically and on an x-Ray, they are clearly not aligned correctly. Chiropractic is a perfectly legitimate treatment for *some* issues. And I do not believe what I was told about inflammatory foods; just came here to see if I could gather more…
  • This is good. It seems incomplete though. Is inflammation common, or only associated with specific problems as listed in someone else's comment above? Can you have it and not know it? I have a hip joint that is chronically a little stiff. I know that my hips are not in perfect alignment, and I get regular chiropractic care…
  • Thanks. I'm not actually looking for a dietary change-- I want to know if inflammation really is the chronic problem that some people say it is, and if the above mentioned foods help or hurt.
  • Strength/HIIT combos and straight strength with low reps/high weight are my favs. I've also done a couple 1,000 calorie workouts and wish I could do them more, but I have two small children and it's hard to find that kind of time block!
  • False. Browns fans are worse. ;)
  • There's a bright side to the Suh trade: he gets to beat up on Brady twice a year. ;)
  • Brady haters are always welcome! ;) Packer fans... Eh, I guess. Since we're talking about Rodgers here. :P (I'm a Detroit fan, so there's that. Secretly hoping that this diet causes Rodgers to fade away to nothing so he can't throw 70-yard Hail Marys anymore. No, I'm not bitter at all.) I totally get the "don't copy the…
  • You guys! The crazy continues! :| Aaron Rodgers: New Diet To Prolong Football Career Lacks One Main Wisconsin Asset - Inquisitr News
  • I'm EBF an almost-3-month-old baby and have been logging and working out again the last couple weeks. I tried adding a food entry that would add calories to my allotment, as mentioned above, but it didn't seem to work on my phone. Maybe you would have better luck. I created a cardio exercise for breastfeeding and enter 500…
  • I would hate to quit eating peppers and tomatoes. So it would take discipline for me. It's just such misplaced effort!
  • I'm super-amused that you did this! :D
  • YES. This. Tom Brady's diet is no doubt nutritional and all that; it's also full of arbitrary rules and misinformation. When someone with his level of success and publicity promotes this stuff, it only increases the mythology and confusion surrounding nutrition. And it makes average people without his budget, resources,…
  • This is a pretty solid analysis of the strengths versus woo of Brady's nutritional approach.