I have them and I actually think they're really beautiful
I haven't totally restricted unhealthy foods, it's just sometimes I wanna eat a whole cake and not just 1 slice
I would definitely not stop logging!
People who put toilet paper on the holder the wrong way round
That's what the food diary is for! Just log everything you eat and think before you start snacking! I was a grazer too but I'm much more in control now.
Any melon besides watermelon
I've noticed my belly getting smaller and my hip-dip getting less obvious, but my legs remain the same! I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never be able to change my body shape so I might as well love it :) as long as I can feel confident in my body, I don't care how big my thighs are!
Sometimes on days where I know I haven't been too accurate with calorie counting, I'll leave 100ish calories to make room for error. Lately, I've been using leftover calories to have a hot chocolate in the evening :smile:
I could live off pasta and rice
I remember weighing my granola for the first time - the recommended 30g serving was puny! I weigh everything now☺️
I was madly in love then and I still am now☺️
Thanks for everyone's replies! I'm not vegetarian or anything, I just tend to make myself something with meat in and not enjoy the meat as much... I was wondering if I bought pre-sliced meat and just ate it like that? Also would individual cheese portions be ok? I have Greek yoghurt so I'll definitely eat more of it! I'll…