

  • add me! i can use some motivation! :)
  • Hi all! Age:27 5'5 HW: 142 CW: 131 GW: 112-117 LW: 87 <--- I never wanna be that again, I looled sickly i do not know my exact bodyfat% but I know its within the average healthy range. I mostly want to tone up. If i feel good and my clothes fit more comfortably at a different weight other than my GW that is fine with me. I…
  • I am gonna be working hard to lose 5 lbs this month and the next few months as well! a couple more lbs would be nice, but 5 lbs sounds like a realistic target and i feel that I wont be discouraged like if I was to get my goal at 10 or 15 lbs