

  • 1200 is so low. I barely function if I'm around 2000 haha
  • Definitely a lot of it I would consider muscle because I can tell that I kept off the bad weight and feel much stronger than I did back when I was just purely cutting. That was torture lol. Currently I'm just doing small meal for breakfast, carrots as a snack, bigger meal for lunch, cashews and some fruits as a snack then…
  • I could definitely use some motivation. Planning to try to get to 220 by the end of the year (35 pounds). Would love if anyone has suggestions on types of diets, workouts, and recipes especially lol.
  • Beginning of journey: 273 pounds may 2014 Middle of journey: 238 September 2014 This year: 262 ( stopped dieting but still worked out lol) Currently: 254 End of journey goal: 220
  • That's the best thing to do is get rid of the things you love to eat. Before I went on my hardcore diet, I ate rice all the time (Asian family). When I stopped rice, that was so brutal lol. But it was good for me because rice is definitely not the kind of food if you're counting calories. Beer and pizza has more calories…
  • That's a wonderful achievement. I look up to you because I can never imagine the difficult road to lose that much. You can definitely finish off your goal!
  • Idk how the prices of chicken in the uk is but here in the us is probably the best way to save money and get lots of protein. I just bought chicken thighs for 0.77 USD a pound. The way I was able to starve off my temptation for food is usually chewing on carrots and broccoli but there has to be better ways than that lol
  • Good luck on your goals! I basically stopped doing any fitness for 4 years and I regret it dearly until I started back up last year lol
    in Hello Comment by smsosa350 February 2015
  • I would probably say breakfast is my smallest meal just the fact that I work at 715 in the morning with lunch being my biggest. Dinner usually I snack from carrots and a salad with maybe a can of peas or green beans. I actually like snacking a lot since it reduces my first and last meal of the day but my snacks usually…
  • Cardio sucks no matter what the time of day lol. I basically force myself to workout in the morning because working out in the evening I just feel really lazy.
  • I wouldn't think a chocolate bar would hurt. Most of my friends have cheat days once a week so I think you're in the clear
  • Good luck on your goal! I'm trying to lose 35 pounds myself so it's going to be a journey haha