TryingtodoitallSUCKS Member


  • I'm back here because I've been gaining, a lot. I've gained 22 pounds since my last weigh-in. I stopped caring. I put away all my skinny clothes and bought a size I've never before this year. And honestly, I'm okay with being fat. That's so f'd up, I know, but I just don't care like I should. I'm focused on other things -…
  • I'm with you! Add me to your friend list and I'll cheer you on. I'm in a similar boat - I have 20 - 40 pounds to lose and I am busy with the career and kiddos that have taken over my life. It's important that the choices we are making are going to make us happy with ourselves in the long run. I eat for comfort and then I…
  • Height 5'5" August 1: 168 August 18: 161 August Goal: 155 Ultimate Goal: 145. Intermittent fasting. Exercising and dieting. Completely committed but weight hasn't moved in six days! I would love some motivational friends! Please request me!
  • Your post is so true for all of us! I leave at 7:30 AM for work and come home to my 4 y.o. with my 6 y.o. in tow - and the stress of having been at work all day with teenagers - (some really awfully behaved ones) means I really need some down time, but instead I need to be present with my kiddos - which means I will hit…
  • I have no friends on myfitnesspal and would love to have some! I am so hungry right now!!!!! But that means I'm not power eating :) I am happy to be a voice of inspiration :) I want to be a success story!!!!