Frozen grapes are delicious and feel like dessert! Or carrots & hummus
Nope. It's in the front. It doesn't even really hurt it just feels really uncomfortable and feels better when it pops.
Thanks for the advice! Does it matter if it's just the one knee?
Thanks! I started in 2013 with Zumba and just elliptical and I never really saw any results. So in August 2014 I started to do circuit training which the exercises always vary. Usually we do focused muscle groups. Like today for me is chest a tricep day. A lot of bootcamps will do the circuit/HIIT training which really…
Thanks! I do a lot of circuit training which involves a lot of cardio and lifting. I don't do very heavy though. Started with 15lbs on my kettle bell exercises and now I do about 20-25lbs on those. Biceps curls and dead lifts in still at 40lbs and chest press I can do about 75 :)
I was probably 175 on the left & I am 149 now. I am about 5'6 & 3/4!
Great job! You'll be adding even more weight soon! :)
I'm trying to gain muscle.
Yes I do and I am studying for my ACE group fitness certification. Man I have been trying the Turkish get ups they are challenging thanks though!
Planking everyday is something ideal. You can even look up the plank challenge. I also recommend russian twists, side plank dips, froggy sit ups, push ups, and jack knives. All great for that core and all you can do at home.
Try single leg dead lifts with a kettle bell instead. It's the best way to do them without getting injured. Should be videos online
Thanks everyone :) I will also remember to use circuit training!