iwearthejumper32 Member


  • Counseling, like, right now. Respect, boundaries, trust... these things are needed in any healthy relationship. He should not be telling female friends he is attracted to them and not attracted to you. Even if its true. What a prick. And if he wont go to counsiling with you... please make an appointment for yourself. This…
  • Organic chocolate chai! So good.
  • HFCS, trans fats, anything low fat, high sodium, canola oil, sulphates, propylene glycol, processed meat/dairy, refined carbs, MSG, artificial colors and sweeteners. Basically all the things that made up my childhood.
  • Im an apple shape. Belly flab. Its the pits. 23 days in on MFP and only the rest of my life to go
  • You. Are. Brilliant.
  • Of course this chart is helpful if your vitamins dont turn your urine neon yellow no matter how much water you drink. In which case calculations can be useful. I aim for 2 liters a day... then I take a day off when im tired of trips to the bathroom at 20 minute intervals. Half my weight in ounces? No time for dat, sorry…
  • Thanks! It seems my calorie intake may be too low. MFP set it at 1200. Then I read an article that said if im not weighing my food- more than likely im eating 10 percent more than I think I am. So I aim to eat 10 percent less. (No i dont belive everything i read, but desperate times, ya know?) Do I eat 20 or 25 percent…
  • Thank you everyone for the advice! I log and measure my food diligently but I dont weigh it. Based on your words alone I think im having a premature freak out. Basically I'm 20 days in and lost 14 pounds of water weight and maybe some fat in the first 12 days. Then nothing for 8 days despite a 7000 calorie a week deficit…
  • I read this as supportive. I think he means boobs make a woman the same way balls make a man... they dont. Also, chin up... it could be worse. I've lived years being the runner up to what I keep in my bra. I said my goodbyes on the first day of choosing new and healthy habits that will without a doubt shrink em. They'll…
  • Hahahaha. :) He thinks he is helping... by offering unsolicited advice. Tell him thanks honey but mind ya b'ness. When and if you have a problem that needs fixing, you'll let him know... otherwise you expect his unwavering support. Do what works for you and keep going! Sounds like youre doing great!!
  • It sounds to me like you're in a binge eating cycle. You wait too long to eat. Everyone is different and intermittent fasting/ skipping meals works for some people... but its clearly not working for you. I believe you when you say you have no appetite for breakfast- because youre training your brain to get high on waiting…
  • Im 5'9... started two weeks ago at 194 lbs and lost 14 lbs of water, visceral fat and maybe a few pounds subcutaneous fat. Now 180...Im apple shaped and medium framed. I want to lose until I look good naked. Maybe 150ish. Ill know it when I see it.
  • If youre not feeling full after you eat a meal, you should address that. More protein, good fats and lots of veggies. If its intermittent hunger, you can try hot tea with coconut sugar. Thats my go to when im in between meals... or if its late and I just need... something, ya know? Haha I used to dislike tea, but found…