Fugley01 Member


  • I've had days where my exercise has added 300 plus calories that I can eat and I don't eat them back. I don't have a food scale and frankly can't be bothered weighing everything. I'm not a soda drinker and rarely even drink fruit juice as I would rather just eat fruit. What I'm eating now is probably at least one third of…
  • I increased my dead lift of 315lbs by 33%. Went from 6 reps to 8 reps. Was sorting laundry and my sweat pant started falling down. They have never done that before.
  • I'm a 50 year old male 198lbs. . Started lifting in mid November, my first day doing deadlifts I was able to easily do 225 for 8 reps. The next week I was and am still doing 315lb lifts if my grip was better I would add another 20 lbs.. I have had back problems in the past and now that I'm building muscle my back feels…
  • If it ends in ose it is some type of sugar or: lactose, dextrose, fructose etc. there is as much sugar in a 12oz can of orange juice as there is in a can of coke.
  • Ok. I've reset my fat and protein to 30 and 30 with 40% carbs. Funny thing, between October and January I lost almost 20lbs(before I found MFP). I was never hungry.
  • Just did a re-calculation on my BMR. I came out with 1727. That seems more like it.
  • I've been at this for Bout a a month now. I've been going to the gym since mid November.i usually drink 6 glasses of water every day. On 1720 calories I'm always hungry. I'll open my diary up.
  • I'm a 50 yr old male, type 2 diabetic. I'm trying to lose another 40 lbs. I am not on any meds yet though my Dr told me last year that I might have to. I started weight training in November and chose to eat healthier. I have brought my weight down from 216lbs to 197(today). I went for blood work a month ago and had the…
  • 50 y/o canadian here. No desk job, just lots of stairs I can climb instead of using an elevator. I do walkway shoveling at a few buildings during the winter, plus painting and maint. and I lift 3x/week. On a 1720 calorie plan and have lost 3lbs so far this week. My goal is 155-160lbs. Currently at 197, down from 215 in mid…
  • For my dead lifts I use this routine. 2 sets of 8 reps 135lbs. 1set of 8 reps 225lbs 1set as many reps as I can get at 315lbs. Once I get to 15 reps at my heavy lift I'll add 10lbs. I always warm up with roughly half of my max weight. I lift 3x/week. 1st day I work arms and shoulders. 2nd day I work chest. Last day I work…
  • I decided to lose weight one day when getting ready to take a shower. I looked in the mirror and thought to myself, "my boobs are almost as big as my wife's" then I looked down and realized I hadn't seen my feet or my Willy in a while. Since then I've been going to the gym 3x/week doing free weights. I'm down 20lbs since…