

  • I started 21 day fix in December and lost over 35 lbs. I am now doing the 21 Day fix extreme. These have been the only programs that have worked for me, I enjoy doing and can fit it in my life. Highly recommend!!!
  • I need to lose 30 more lbs. Already lost 40. It def helps to have people around to help motivate you. You can do it! We all can!
  • Hello. I have done the 21 day fix 3 times already. Its amazing. It provides you 30 minute workouts that you can fit in your daily routine and a helpful eating plan you can make into a lifestyle change not just a diet for short term. Using this app in conjunction with that program is very helpful. I also suggest being part…
  • It is definitely a struggle with kids. I have 1 which makes it hard so I know 3 has to be difficult. You seem determined so you will make it happen. I am happy to provide any advice on what helps me. Everyone is different but I know I have learned a lot from others.
  • Hello. You are going to love the 21 day fix program. I have done it and lost over 20lbs, from size 18 to 14. The 30 min workouts are easy to fit in your day, they provide awesome results and the shakes are delicious and healthy. Pairing it with this app is a huge plus. Do you have a coach and/or on FB?
  • that sounds awesome. Eating right is definitely tough. I found some really easy yummy healthy recipes on Pinterest. I also substitue things such as coconut powder sugar for regular sugar coconut oil instead of vegetable oil Etc. This all help.
  • Hello. I need some Fitbit friends as well. ;) I have had mine for a little overa month. Love it.
  • Hi Michelle. I completely understand. :D I was a size 18 and now I am a size 14. Do u have an exercise program you are doing? I finally found one that works for me that I love doing and using that and this app finally got some amazing results. Its important to like or so it doesn't feel like a second job. ;)
  • Hello all. My name is Stacie. I have been using this app for about 3 months in conjunction with an exercise program but never realized these communities existed. : ) Love the app, has helped me sooo much.