EmmaCaz4 Member


  • My personal experience is I find they are good for me & my goals. Currently at the moment they really help me as they're the only thing that stops me throwing up 1st thing with my morning sickness. However; I have been using them for a while for my bodybuilding alongside protein powders but at different points in the day.…
  • I track my weight, calories and macros on here. I use fitnotes on my phone to track weight/reps/pbs etc... This means I can plan out my workouts in advance if I need to. This app uses your current stats that are in there based on what weight you're lifting and reps you are doing to calculate your 1RM's etc so this always…
  • Dependent on your programme. I weight train 5x a week (Well... 4 now i'm pregnant) but I was training 5x a week and then did cardio on the other 2days. I do bodysplits so I need 5 days weight training to hit every muscle group but I space them out so I can rest and recover inbetween. So I do legs on Monday but chest on…
  • It may be a placebo effect. Same as a lot of other things are, but who are you to say they 'do not work for me?' How do you know that research is accurate? I do stay hydrated throughout all of my workouts but have found I am less sore and cramp less during leg day if I take BCAAs aswell as other fluids. Again, my personal…
  • Nope. As I said, my personal preference and I find they work :)
  • Thanks ladies. Im following most of those recommendations sardelsa. The 70% of 1RM is so difficult to stick to when you know you can do so much more don't you think?? I'll continue to monitor it all and ensure I'm looking after myself. Im currently managing 6 days exercise with 1 rest day. 4 of which are weight days and 2…
  • Both.... always nice to mix up rep ranges. Opt for heavy weights but incorporate lower weight stuff with high rep ranges. Helps muscles grow using different rep ranges and weight ranges. I use anything from 6-20reps. The usual rep range is 10-12 but if you can push for 10-12 & it feels ok, up the weight and do 8reps, then…
  • I always take my BCAAs. Maxi muscle Apple and pear ones. They're beauty! I find taking them during sessions (especially leg day) helps me to stop cramping up or throwing up... but I also rake them on a morning as that's when I get my least amount of protein. They give me that extra something I need. I'm 4 months pregnant…
  • What are your stats? What's your goal? Are you training in a gym or at home? Always recommended to look for a proper programme when you're starting out. Nutrition - put your stats into mfp and eat a well balanced diet and stick in a deficit to lose weight. I'd also add in some cardio a few times a week which helps and…
  • What is the reason for your current split? I agree with poster above. Very little in your program at the minute...
  • Neither will be accurate. I'd go by the lowest one to avoid over estimating & then potentially over eating exercise cals back.
  • Don't focus on weight numbers. Well done on losing inches. Inches are more important than numbers on a scale due to putting on muscle and losing body fat. Both weight training and cardio have their place and it sounds like your programme is working well. Don't hinder something that is working well just because you need to…
  • Why do you need an app to calculate cals lost in weight training? Just use the weight training exercise data input in the cardio section to give you a basic calorie count if you're wanting it to eat cals back or anything. Alot of effort for nothing really calculating each exercise... you don't burn a massive amount weight…
  • Eat healthier & train harder. The harder I train, generally the less hungry I am post workout. Agree with previous post, if you're hungry then eat something really calorie dense but that is healthy. Snack on nuts, fruit etc. Incorporate plenty of carbs and healthy fats into your diet aswell. It's not all about protein. To…
  • How many days do you go to the gym? Do you split these in any particular way or just do them all each time or a select few? As for "buying" more calories for strength exercises, in the cardio section there is a strength training option and it gives you an estimate or calories burnt for the length of time you have trained.
  • Hey :) of course you can! Everyone is different, some people prefer to do less cardio and some people still do more. You can still bulk and gain muscle whilst retaining your cycling. What does your strength training consist of? You'll need to work out your maintenance calories based on your stats and amount of exercise you…
  • What's your goal?
  • Agreed. I enjoy cardio and don't want to get too out of it. Also keep bodyfat as low as I can during.
  • I foam roll but not in the gym, I foam roll on a night at home and I lay on it vertical up my spine with arms stretched out to give me a nice neutral spine after hunching forward at my desk. I do cardio mainly because I actually like it, I like to keep cardio-fit but I switch things round. We own a spin bike now so we can…
  • Haha no don't have to! I was curious to know if people did cardio in a bulk and how much. I know some people do loads & some very little. I find it interesting knowing what people do different to achieve a similar thing :)
  • Awesome! We did arms today and finished with weighted carriage push/pulls. Quite intense! Did stair master yesterday after shoulders. Got spin in the morning at home, gonna do a hill endurance ride I think. Get the legs pumped ready for leg day on Monday!!! :)
  • No not really. I use fitnotes in my phone to calculate pbs and to keep an eye on how I'm improving. I can't be bothered carrying a notebook around with me and have my phone in the gym to keep an eye on how long I'm there otherwise I could be there hours!
  • Need more details than that please..! How many cals are you currently eating? What's your training like? Height? Goal?
  • Yes I did face pulls, I always try and get these into my shoulder workouts. Sometimes superset them with upright rows.
  • Hi Guys :) I'm back!!! Just thought I'd update on how I've got on... So I've rested my shoulder for 2 weeks with just stretches to keep it mobile. I've had minimal pain in it for the last week and I spoke to a physio last week who advised to try using it again this week and see how I got on. So today was chest and…
  • Can't eat cheese or dairy products except yoghurt being an exception
  • Fair enough, useful info. Ok well I'm working my way to maintenance then and struggling.... that's even worse than I thought thanks for that ha!! :D I'm reluctant to opening my diary because I don't want my food criticising when nobody knows what my stomach can and cannot handle except me and I kind of need to learn to…
  • My stats are: 5 ft 6 and 10st 10lb. Was losing 0.5-1lb per week on 1550cals, just upped to 1700-2000 2wks ago. Dependent on training days as to the variety in cals currently. Gradually increasing it every week or few days over the next month to let my body get used to it but struggling at maintenance this is what I mean.…
  • I'm at about 1700 cals currently which is maintenance for me plus exercise cals most days so usually between 1700-2000. It's going to take some getting used to I Think. I've always been on a weight loss programme until the last 6 months I did a cut to drop bodyfat and now on my 1st bulk I think my body is taking some time…
  • I eat nuts/ avocado/ Greek yoghurt etc and eat a normal tea. I'm good at switching things up with evening meals - Meats, carbs, veg sauces and I do allow myself treats and switch my lunches round too but no matter what I'm always full in my afternoon meal. Driving me mad as I can't finish the meal...