Need to bulk

Hey wonder if anyone can give me advice as to bulk up abit as im quite small atm i weight 9stone and im hoping to gain a stone in the next couple months is this possible? And will it be acheived if i just eat 3000 calories a day?


  • EmmaCaz4
    EmmaCaz4 Posts: 113 Member
    Need more details than that please..!
    How many cals are you currently eating?
    What's your training like?
  • se015
    se015 Posts: 583 Member
    fptp2001 wrote: »
    Hey wonder if anyone can give me advice as to bulk up abit as im quite small atm i weight 9stone and im hoping to gain a stone in the next couple months is this possible? And will it be acheived if i just eat 3000 calories a day?

    It's not that simple. Everyone is different and everyone's body is different so 3000 kcal a day might not be enough for you. Age, weight, height, goals, and training similar to what EmmaCaz4 stated makes a different. Also, in the US we don't use Stone, we use weight as a unit of lbs which can be easily converted from Kg. So provide AT LEAST;

    Age, height, Gender (no picture so dont' even know your gender), weight (in kg or lbs), body fat % would help too, type (s) of exercise you do and how often, level of experience for weight lifting, how long you've been trying to bulk up.