Front Delt Strain

Hi Guys,

I need some advice. I've started training to be a bodybuilder. My form was really good and my weights were going up nicely, I'd just got upto 22kg dumbbells on incline chest press. I then went on holiday and was still training in bits whilst away and doing press ups, I've come back with a front delt strain. My shoulder is bruised lightly and it hurts when I press. My right arm collapses when i try to get the dumbbells up and then it starts to get painful.

Other movements like flys are fine and i can do back and arms without any pain aswell.

What exercises shall I do to aid it? I'm reluctant to stop training chest and shoulders all together because of it so what should I do? What will help it or not hurt it?

Getting really frustrated that it's hindering my progress.


  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited August 2017
    Rest and go see a doctor or a physiotherapist. A collapsing arm (if it becomes too painful and u feel powerless for a few seconds) could be rotator cuff injury. But I am no professional. Get professional help. if it does turn out to be rotator cuff injury, youll be thankful that you sought help. that stuff is nasty, i havent fully recovered in 15 yrs since i had an injury due to tennis. i still have clicking sounds sometimes even though there isnt pain.

    edit: you are likely bench pressing weights too high (nearer to throat). doing it lower (bottom of chest) reduced the strain on my shoulders during flat barbell bench press.
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    Go light/high rep. Bloodflow restriction training is great for when you are injured since you get the benefits of lifting heavy but you are lifting lite, but I do not know how you could restrict the bloodflow to your front delt. Maybe a band under your armpit up to your trap, but that might slip down, try it and see.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I agree - see a doctor. I know it is frustrating, but it is better to stop training and let your body heal properly than to push through an injury and risk making it worse thereby setting your progress back further.

    I speak from experience as I once injured my triceps to the point of losing range of motion both in shoulder and elbow for a couple of months -- it was another several months after regaining range of motion before I could get back to making any real progress. Believe me, a few weeks may feel like a long time but it is far better than being set back about 8 months (it was rough!).

    Since you are describing your arm as collapsing and being painful, recovery is probably going to take a few weeks at the least.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    edited August 2017
    Rest until the pain goes away w/o doing any more lifting.

    Then start trying to lift w/the shoulder again. If the pain goes away and doesn't come back after lifting again, no problem.

    However, if the pain comes back again (even just a little) STOP! - - Do Not pass "Go" - - and head straight to a doc to get an MRI to determine if you injured a tendon or muscle.

    I have had rotator cuff surgery in BOTH shoulders. One from a hard impact skiing and the other from lifting just doing curls.

    The lifting injury was hidden and misdiagnosed for 2 years b4 it was "discovered" because it was only "minor" and I tried to work around it. Big mistake.

    After the surgery, it still took 3 more years for the pain to go away completely and to be able to lift full strength w/that shoulder again.

    So, if the pain persists (even just a little), don't ignore it or think it'll get better on its own. It won't.

  • EmmaCaz4
    EmmaCaz4 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks guys. Gonna rest it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes! So frustrating...

    There's a physio at our gym so if it persists I'm gonna book to go see her. The bruising is only the size of a small finger nail and it's not painful to touch anymore so I think it's getting better, it doesn't feel as sore as it did last week. It hurt just carrying shopping bags and stretching it out infront of me all of which seems fine now. Couple of weeks rest and then hopefully get back to it and get the weight back up stronger than ever!

    The things we have to go through!!!
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    EmmaCaz4 wrote: »
    Thanks guys. Gonna rest it for a couple of weeks and see how it goes! So frustrating...

    There's a physio at our gym so if it persists I'm gonna book to go see her. The bruising is only the size of a small finger nail and it's not painful to touch anymore so I think it's getting better, it doesn't feel as sore as it did last week. It hurt just carrying shopping bags and stretching it out infront of me all of which seems fine now. Couple of weeks rest and then hopefully get back to it and get the weight back up stronger than ever!

    The things we have to go through!!!

    I would be interested to see how it is after you have rested it for a few weeks. I'm not a physio but it sounds like the pain might be hibernating and once you start hitting that area again, the pain will come back. Again I'm not physio but it sounds like a rotator cuff issue like I had last year and I would really recommend that you book an appointment with a physio straightaway who will give you stretches to do. The longer you leave it, the worse it will get and the longer the rehab time will be. Better to be safe than sorry in the long run.
  • EmmaCaz4
    EmmaCaz4 Posts: 113 Member
    Jdscrubs I'll try remember to post an update but where the bruising is and the pain it seems more like front delt than rotary cuff. It doesn't hurt at all in the back or side of my shoulder, it's one spot on the front. It's doesn't hurt to sleep on or anything. It's a wierd one but I spoke to a PT in the gym last week and he looked at the bruising and thought it was front delt too but I can't get to the physio until end of next week anyway so will see how it goes until then and reevaluate. :) thanks for the advice though!
  • jdscrubs32
    jdscrubs32 Posts: 515 Member
    EmmaCaz4 wrote: »
    Jdscrubs I'll try remember to post an update but where the bruising is and the pain it seems more like front delt than rotary cuff. It doesn't hurt at all in the back or side of my shoulder, it's one spot on the front. It's doesn't hurt to sleep on or anything. It's a wierd one but I spoke to a PT in the gym last week and he looked at the bruising and thought it was front delt too but I can't get to the physio until end of next week anyway so will see how it goes until then and reevaluate. :) thanks for the advice though!

    No problem. It does sound different to what I had in the rotator cuff. Still if its not better by the end of next week, go see the physio.
  • EmmaCaz4
    EmmaCaz4 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Guys :) I'm back!!!
    Just thought I'd update on how I've got on... So I've rested my shoulder for 2 weeks with just stretches to keep it mobile.
    I've had minimal pain in it for the last week and I spoke to a physio last week who advised to try using it again this week and see how I got on. So today was chest and shoulders day.

    Managed fine with no pain or anything. I didn't go heavy, just concentrated on form and feeling the muscle groups pumping and it was fine... time to slowly build back up. Chuffed to bits
  • mike_bold
    mike_bold Posts: 140 Member
    face pulls really improved my shoulder health, I started doing these twice a week a few months back. Way better now.
  • EmmaCaz4
    EmmaCaz4 Posts: 113 Member
    mike_bold wrote: »
    face pulls really improved my shoulder health, I started doing these twice a week a few months back. Way better now.

    Yes I did face pulls, I always try and get these into my shoulder workouts. Sometimes superset them with upright rows.
  • timsla
    timsla Posts: 174 Member
    Yup face pulls and band pull apart in between sets. You can pick up a slingshot if you want to prevent injury when you're pushing some real heavy weight