thepersonwiththeface Member


  • I'm pretty excited about this challenge. I haven't seen a lot of relative in a while, so it will be fun to be looking better when I see them over the holidays. I also have a wedding coming this may :3 so that's another big motivator. F/20/5'6", SW: 212lbs, CW: 183lbs, and I'm hoping to lose around 20lbs during this…
  • There's a great community over at that you could check out :) Great job with what you've accomplished so far, and I hope MFP helps you on your way!
  • You could also bring a snack to work to eat before you leave so that you can get in a workout before dinner.
  • Waking up early to workout is hard at first, but you can get into the habit pretty quickly(especially if you make yourself go to bed at a decent hour). By doing it first thing in the morning, you're able to make sure that nothing gets in the way. You don't necessarily have to go to the gym(if that saves you time or…