agottier223 Member


  • @noraborafofora In addition to having midwives, I should probably add that my GD was 100% diet controlled with no numbers over the goals, ever. Could be a different scenario if someone constantly has high fasting numbers or needs insulin.
  • @noraborafofora I went to full term with my son, diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks. I had midwives, so perhaps that made a difference. I went in to labor 2 days before my due date, they were set to induce 3 days after my due date.
  • Have you lowered your calorie intake since you started? If you have lost 30 lbs, your body requires fewer calories than it did when you started. Additionally, your lighter body burns fewer calories doing the same exercise, so while you may have increased your time exercising, your calorie burn may not be much more than it…
  • Like was already said, I plan for it and fit it in to my calories, perhaps squeeze in an extra cardio workout if I know I am going to indulge or bank calories from earlier in the week. Also a huge thing for me has been watching my portion sizes on desserts and realizing that I can have a small treat every day. I never feel…
  • Only thing you cook in the brownies - I did a 9x13 size box mix (could do homemade) in two nine inch round pans, one of the pans was a spring form - layered everything in the spring form except for a final layer of snickers and syrup on top, then when it was time to serve I popped the side off the spring form, gave it a…
  • The birthday cake that I made for my husband: layers of brownie, homemade peanut butter ice cream, chocolate and caramel sauce, and snickers. It was awesome.
  • If your buffet has a hibachi area I would fill up there - that way you can control what you eat. I always go there and fill my plate with plenty of veggies and shrimp. Then I go through the whole buffet and have a little taste (a bite or two) of all the things I like.
  • I tried to jump into 30 day shred a few months after my son was born, but I felt like my core couldn't handle it. I worked through Lindsey Brin's Postnatal Slimdown (free program, check out Moms Into Fitness) and did Leslie Sansone videos until I felt back up to par.