Definitely Cloe Descannel :D
Love the cowboy hat but I'll pass
OH ANG acft. machinist & welder. Still serving but hired civilian during the week on base. Same as active without the BS. Doing this to help me with my pt test. Got a bet with the super that I can lap him lol.
No... Have you ever been wrongly fired from your job
Bar hopping
You have some pretty ambitious careers for me lol
Yea either *kitten* men or boob men lol... jk
Almost was. Lingerie model
Well I guess this was settled quickly lol
Sure... probably could find something to relate about
I wish. About every bikini would be out of regulations lol
Probably knows a thing or two
I can be 32 if you like? Lol
I think it's more than that (and this applies for guys too) it's also what makes you feel good. You gotta feel good about your body and yourself. That will lead you to make the right choices and ultimately be healthy.
Pool boy
Old enough ;)
As long as the date wasn't at Tim Hortons... eh? ;)
A one night stand that turned into... ;)
Bring it!! ;)
My crush for you isn't secret no more ;)
You look so homely today
Oops didn't scroll all the way down And no- unless being flashed by my arc welder counts? TPBM is tired
False- I can whistle a pretty wicked tune TOBM is probably snowed in and has cabin fever like me
I'm very good at morning after breakfasts ;) high in protein. Probably not the breakfast that MFP would recommend lol
I'll pay for both yal ;)
Momma's are tough! So yes def would...
How about aicraft tool and die maker and welder and farmer on the side
Couldn't be more further off lol