jenlo1971 Member


  • I don't like drinking my calories either. So no juicies, non diet sodas, milkshakes, etc. Nothing else really. If I really want something I just try to fit it in my calories.
  • I don't really consider anything a cheat. I do occasionally eat junk food- had some little Debbie brownies this week- however they fit into my calorie allotment. Even when I go "over" I just call it going over. If I were to consider anything a cheat- it would probably be if a took a day and just threw all caution to the…
  • Ironic. I just posted how happy I was that I lost 4 lbs in 4 weeks! Would I have preferred it be 10lbs? Well, sure but I am also trying to work on a lifestyle change here not just some dramatic diet so I know that 4 lbs in a month is an awesome loss done in a healthy manner which will hopefully be sustainable for me
  • I said no to the homemade Italian cream cupcake that one of my group members brought in. I also said no to the chili cheese Fritos that are like 180 calories for 11 very small chips.
  • I used to take it. I took to assist with stress or depression . I was also actively watching what i ate and exercising to try and had about 15 lbs to lose. weight loss had stalled for me. I started the Wellbutrin and the first week and lost 4.5 lbs, the next week 2.5. A lot to lose when you've only got 15 to go. That…
  • It's not a requirement to eat veggies. At least I hope not or I'm in trouble. I also dislike veggies- especially soggy ones. I do enjoy a good salad at times so I will eat that. I too love fruit. I am a picky eater who becomes even pickier when thinking about weight loss. I find I don't want to waste calories on things I…
  • Typically just do a fresh start the next day. I think most people go over at times. I am trying to make a lifestyle change here so I don't worry about it too much- log it on the day it occurs and move on. Or hot the treadmill at 11:02pm and try to burn those extra calories. Lol
  • I just had surgery last month for a herniated disc. I had about a year of dealing with it prior to the surgery. Tried PT, steroids, a whole host of other medications. I tried to stay as active as possible and was doing ok with it, but in March I shoveled snow and couldn't walk the next day. Surgery was on 7/7 with a second…
  • It does provide some insight as to why maybe we shouldn't eat all those exercise calories and why some are not losing when they think they are doing everything correctly.
  • It's in a state park so driving is not an option. A trail in the park. I just wondered what could affect this.
  • I would loovvee a height adjustable desk or actually just to stand during the day. I'm a psychotherapist and I feel like it causes my clients anxiety if they feel I am standing over them. So instead I sit-and have sacrificed my back instead. Just had two back surgeries this summer following 20 years of this sedentary job.
  • I eat them sometimes. I like the pizza ones. I take them for lunch at times along with a piece of fruit. It's great that many prefer to cook- but not all of us do. I've got a lot going on and these really work at times for my work lunches.
  • I had back surgery on 7/7 and then again on 7/20. Had a herniated disc for a year before that. So while I did try and log and did "ok" I could not exercise- I maintained pretty well til the first surgery. I gained approximately 15 lbs in a month. I've already lost about half of it in the last 2-3 weeks. I feel fabulous- so…
  • Skinny pop, fruit, yogurt, or string cheese
  • Currently I am just walking and have been losing at least 2 lbs a week. And I'm walking pretty slow. I've got a herniated disc and am in pain so everything else is out now. Oh, when I started this weight loss journey I was working out- I did 45 minute DVDs- everything from light weights to step aerobics, to Zumba and my…
  • 5'2 on 1200 calories a day- no exercise due to back issues- have lost every week
  • I have a herniated disc as well- pain is typically so bad that just trying to get thru daily activites is hard. So no more workouts for me. What I focus on now is my steps and Fitbit. Right now am walking super slow- and I'm just walking around my house- it's better than nothing. I am still losing but my calories are at…
  • I am a substance abuse therapist so I tend to think of this as similar to relapse "justifications". The things that people tell themselves in order to make them think it is ok to drink or use drugs. So mine for food were things like, "it's a special occasion so I can have this 1/2 a cake". Or "look at all these other…
  • I do think your age is a factor in what you say and how you say it and it's why people are mentioning it. Congratulations on your weight loss. At 43, I can tell you I am very experienced at weight loss. Over the years I am sure I have lost more than 80 lbs. For many of us it is making sure those pounds stay away that is…
  • I save the bulk of my calories as well. I try to have a decent sized supper and then I save room for a snack. Sometimes it's something small- but it's always something. Since it's not mindless noshing I actually look forward to it more and savor it. I was previously a big overeater in the evening. So, yes, you an get past…
  • I half my restaurant meals. The rest of my family usually eats the leftovers. I try to move more. I have a Fitbit and sometimes I just walk around my house at night more in order to reach my goal. I exercise 3-5 times a week.
  • Everyone is saying to lift heavy weights. How heavy are we talking here?
  • I don't get what? That all of you are making assumptions about this young lady that you don't know? That someone could look at any one of us and think we are abnormal for various reasons? I am guessing that most of you are not licensed professionals so to talk of diagnosis at all is not really within your scope of…
  • Not here to lose weight. So, try again. [/quote] Ok. Are you here to gain weight? Then you must have an unhealthy relationship with food if you are underweight. Maybe you are here just to get in better shape? If you are at a healthy weight why are you obsessing over tracking all your calories?
  • I am LoLing at all these people telling her to seek professional help for her "unhealthy relationship with food". Don't you all see the irony of it? I know I have an unhealthy relationship with food- that's how I got overweight. Are you all really thinking you don't?
  • I haven't read all the other posts ( just some of them). I think you all tread on dangerous ground when you try to diagnos this young lady with an Ed or ocd. I, too, think her boyfriend is the strange one for eating out 3 meals a day. Maybe he has ocd? And an unhealthy relationship with food? Who knows? Not enough…
  • I've wondered this too-lol! I am also 5'1. I can walk at a 3.6 speed consistently but it is very brisk. My dh who is 6'0 can walk at a speed of 5.
  • My calorie goal is 1050 too. It set at a weight loss of 1.5 lbs a week. I've got 50-55 lbs lbs to lose and am also short if that makes a difference. I find it is plenty of food for me. I am able to get most of my nutrients in- sometimes I'm a little off because I've had a day in which I don't make the best choices. It…