Kida_Adeylne Member


  • No swim to report. I'm off for the weekend where I won't have internet, but my first race is tomorrow morning! Wish me luck!
  • Not really. I was doing catch-up, some one arm, lots with paddles. Today he had me add finger-trail, but that was another fix (keeping my elbow higher on entry). 2600m-ish in 90min(ish) open water. Also practiced some beach starts. I've got the basic technique, but I bruised my hand on a rock. I feel well and truly…
  • I was bringing my hand out palms toward my thighs (and a little early). He told me to put my palms up (perpendicular to my thigh, almost) and thinking of splashing someone behind me. It generates a lot more power, but uses more strength. 2k in 1 hour, working on the same stuff.
  • Oh my gosh. My knees hurt just thinking about all that stair climbing. Maybe the office manager will hurry up with finding a pool because of your new... perfume. :)
  • 65 minutes, 2050m. I spent the whole time concentrating on the one change my coach suggested (changing the rotation of my hand as it exits the water). I feel like I just did push-ups for an hour.
  • Great work! Glad it was as fun as you were hoping it would be. :)
  • Good luck! You're well prepared and I'm sure everything will go fantastically.
  • I hate when those days happen, Mac. And the worst part is it can be tricky to tell if going ahead and exercising will give you more energy or wear you down more. Hope you feel better tomorrow! Open water practice! And they were actually there - at a different beach than the one I thought (there are two on our small lake),…
  • I don't have a waterproof mp3 player, so I've never tried it. I could see myself listening to Audiobooks while swimming - I've done so while hiking, and I listen to music while running or circuit training. But I haven't felt like its something I need. I enjoy swimming, and I spend a lot of time counting strokes or laps and…
  • 30 minutes, 1k. Keeping my fingers crossed that people will actually be at the lake tomorrow like they're supposed to. Booked myself a camp site for my race on June 28th!
  • I'm a cake/cookie fiend and have a lot of trouble resisting. It's probably mostly habit: your body/brain 'knows' when it's sugar cookies time. things you can try: -Try eating a smaller portion of both supper and dessert. -Go for a walk when it's 'dessert time'. Or any exercise can really help. (though intense isn't the…
  • Thanks! Nope, never injured anything. The only thing I can think of is that the way I'm holding my hands is wrong - it doesn't bother my left, but my left hand/arm is stronger (I'm a lefty and a cellist, so it gets a good workout in daily life). Looking at this video -…
  • I wish I had something helpful to say, Emma. That sucks. I hope that everything works out okay. 1.5km in 29:50! Sadly not open water, but at least I've reassured myself I can do the distance, and my time has improved. Weird question: does anyone else find that their fingers get tired? My right hand, the fingers aren't…
  • Fats are important and not evil - they assist in brain function and keeping satiated - they are just generally higher calorie and need to be eaten in moderation (compared to how you previously consumed them). You need to incorporate things that you might not label as 'healthy' (butter/oil, small treats, meats etc) and…
  • I woke up at 5:15am, all ready for open water swim practice, but when I got to the lake at 6:30am there was no one there but Geese... don't know what happened there, and am waiting for a reply. But I did rope my mom into being my life guard and coming back with me at lunch time for about 30 minutes of swimming. I couldn't…
  • I think the nutritionist is coming at it from a different perspective than the physical therapists or trainers, probably. Most people can go walking everyday, or bike riding every day, because these activities don't put too much strain on the body (strength, or endurance) unless you start getting higher intensity or really…
  • Only 750m, but I did manage to get to the pool for 6:30am! My left arm is hurting a bit from Monday, which is why I cut it short. Tomorrow I have to be at the lake for 6:30. :/
  • Are you taking rests after laps, or do you swim it all straight? Rests tend to increase the more effort you put in, so overall speed goes down. Also, I agree with both sprints and working on technique. Do some kick and pull (if you have access to a board and a pull buoy). What AQ said about leg and body position could be…
  • Wow! I remember just a month or two ago you didn't think you'd be able to do that! Way to go.
  • Another 2k today. I did a bunch of closefisted swimming to try and get a feel for using my fore and upper arms more effectively - I think it worked, and now my arms are jelly.
  • I've been having a hard time keeping myself motivated to get to the pool (which is stupid, because I love swimming and shouldn't need motivation). But I made it today to a 50m lane swim. 2km in 1 hour. Times were a bit slower, but I really liked the long course. I start open water practice on Thursday.
  • Lol. That would be cool. But, less excitingly, it stands for Lake Ontario swim team.
  • Decided at the last minute to go swimming- 1k of free, doing sets of 100s in 27 minutes. I don't know how I survived two weeks out of the pool. Forget physical health, my stress/anxiety requires that I get pool time.
  • Wow, this is a spread out bunch. Southern Ontario, bit outside the GTA area. Doing the North Shore Challenge and the LOST swim this year. :)
  • Got back in to pool yesterday for masters. Kept up fine, and I actually felt stronger for my two week break (guess that answers the question of whether I had overtrained or not...). Lots of IM stuff. Have some DOMS today, but not too bad. Will be doing fewer workouts for next two weeks or so until I get back in the groove.
  • wow look at all these new folks. everyone is doing so great. hopefully I will be back in the pool on Friday, I've been taking time off to try and get some major projects done.
  • 1. Choose one thing to work on at a time. I'd suggest start with the kick (mostly because every slow person I see while swimming could improve almost instantly by kicking from the hips instead of the knees), then work on arms. Use the flutter boards, and pull-buoys if they have them. Look up different drills (one arm,…
  • AQ, your ability to find great articles is a boon to this group. I still think there's a good reason for long swims Mental endurance is a thing, too. And It's nice to be able to say 'I can do this length of swim without stopping'. But I think I'm going to have to put a bit more effort into actually doing interval sets (and…
  • 2500m today! 300 warm up, then 2200 without stopping in ~47minutes. Once I get up to 3k without stopping, I'm going to focus on keeping my pace more consistent so I make 3k/1h. Which will require lots of painful timed sets... *sigh* (I much prefer technique or endurance work, but I know the speed work is really important).
  • Oh, and since it said comment with a good challenging set: a set that I liked that we did the other week at masters. Deceptively easy at the beginning: All of these 25m, 4x per time 0n :55 :50 :45 :40 :35 :30 :25 :20 Try and see how far down the time you can get before you miss one. (I died on the 2nd :25sec lap).