aislingeach Member


  • I am 5' 1.5" and I started at 162 lbs losing the first 30 pounds with my calories around 1290 per day. I lost the next 17 pounds with my calories around 1100-1200 per day. The last 17 pounds were a long time coming off. I would typically fluctuate up and down before finally dropping a half pound or maybe a pound, then…
  • Thanks everyone. That was a lot of useful information. I started this calorie counting AFTER I cleaned up my diet due to some serious allergy issues with food. Before that even counting calories was not working. So now I avoid the foods that my body doesn't process well, I watch my protein intake, and I have found that…
  • I see that I was probably expecting too much from MFP and possibly trusting it too much. However I have successfully dropped from 162 to my current 115 by using it over the past 9 months. I had to drop my calorie goal as I lost weight, reassessing a couple of times along the way. It all worked fine until these last 5…
  • If it is an exercise compulsion, why not consider your rest days to be MENTAL exercise days. Make an effort to find a new and different mental activity that pushes and exercises your brain. That would solve the need for physical rest and provide something to focus on regarding "exercise". I think your brain needs exercise…
  • Juice is so high in calories! I don't drink it anymore except for Bai5 because it uses erythritol for its primary sweetener and has only 5 calories per 8 oz. hopefully no one tells me that is bad for me!
  • I really wish that 1200 calories was too low but it sure varies by height, current weight/goal, and age. I am 54, 5' 1.5", currently at 130 lbs and trying to get to 125 lbs. I have to stay closer to 1000 calories a day to lose weight unless I am able to work out that day. Oh to be younger and taller; I am jealous!
  • I don't know if this helps you but a couple of things I noticed worked for me: 1) be sure to get proteins and fat especially at breakfast because the carbs are good for nutrition but do not make me feel full for very long 2) avoid starchy carbs after 2-3pm because they make my weight loss stop or go up 3) on the days when…
  • I am short too (5' 1.5") at 130 lbs trying to get down to 125 lbs and the MFP calorie suggestion for weight loss is 1200 for me as well. I think that is the minimum the app will give you because that doesn't work for me either. In order for me to lose weight I have to keep my calories down closer to 1000 per day when I…