covinssexywife Member


  • You just have to keep up the hard work. You can't really target one area to loose from. Once you do loose however you can tone and sculpt the way you want. I'm ready to get rid of mine also. It seems like only my legs are getting smaller
  • Try a fruit salad instead with a nice low fat fruit yogurt. If you want to be creative, in high school a while back my French teacher brought Nutella before is a big in America and we spead it on tortillas and rolled diced fruit inside. Very good actually
  • I am currently just cutting back and working out more. I have to get labs done every 6 weeks because my levels are crazy even after radiation. I did notice that after giving up caffeine for about a month I felt better but when I slowly started drinking it again I would feel a bit sluggish at times. I'm the type of person…