Lee6594 Member


  • So I have had ankle surgery and am officially a vegetable. I am trying to have a big breakfast a medium lunch and a small dinner in the hope that I stay full and avoid eating cause I'm bored. The last two days I need to admit, I have eaten crap. Like an apple yesterday was the most healthiest thing I've eaten :/ but as I…
  • That's precisely the issue. I used to workout or run 5 days a week so I could eat more and now I can barely eat anything. Also May is my birthday and if I don't eat breakfast I get really grumpy haha
  • I make sure I drink two litres of water a day and I've tried to stop eating cause I'm bored but it's harder than it sounds. I think I need to have smaller meals in the evening and at least that way I'll be hungry for breakfast as I always eat it but only because I know I should
  • Height: 5'1" SW: 150 CW: 128 GW: 115 I do currently have a ligament tear which is making exercising difficult so I'm having to be very strict with my food intake any tips that will help, add me and let me know! :) xx