hawkeyebrows Member


  • Holy moly well done!
  • Anything Eminem. Also "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor haha it's a classic :smiley:
  • So I was doing a little reading and the US Surgeon General's exercise recommendation for adults is at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week. ("Healthy physical activity includes aerobic activity, muscle strengthening activities, and activities to increase balance and flexibility.") Which got me…
  • I watch a movie or read, I get too absorbed in the story and it distracts me from hunger
  • Ran home from work yesterday (25 minutes) and to work this morning (22 min). It's 2.3 miles flat, but I want to whittle my time (and my weight) down to 18 minutes. I've been wanting to do this forever, since I live so close to work, save gas money, good for the environment, etc. I figure why am I driving such a short…
  • Still learning how to cook, I will try all these out!
  • Oh geez, I honestly haven't been paying the slightest attention to macros. Right now just focused on trying to get my 5+ a day of fruits and veg!
  • I bought this pair of jeans in December 2014 that are just killer, I've been dying to get in them! I call them my goal jeans lol. And to be able to do 5 miles running in 40 minutes, that was what I could do at my peak fitness and ever since then it's been my benchmark of how in shape I am. On the 31st I dit it in 60…
  • Yay another runner! I ran in high school and college, 5 to 8 miles everyday and I was super lean. Since graduation I haven't and I miss it, and want to do a marathon. Mostly I want to get back into my running and learn how to cook, I know losing the weight will follow. I hate lifting tho, I will ask my friend to teach me.