overlook237 Member


  • "Resentful" is my word of the day. I'm feeling resentful because: 1) the soup I made to eat this week for lunch is way too salty but I have to eat it because I can't afford to waste the money on something else; 2) said soup is causing water weight gain and messing with the number on the scale (up 2 pounds when I'm only…
  • The last minute of the finale was a little heartbreaking, no? Oh, Sheldon. :(
  • I go to a Polish bakery/store in town, and they have open bins of wrapped chocolates, all different flavors. Whenever I buy a mixed bag of them, I tell myself that they don't have calories because I don't speak Polish and I can't read the labels. ;)
  • That's what I've been asking myself since I started here! :) In the past, I always cut out so many things I loved to eat because I didn't think I could lose weight while still eating them. Eventually, I'd eat them, feel like a failure, and give up. But since I started weighing/measuring food, logging it into MFP, and…
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you've got a very positive attitude towards your health, and that's wonderful. :) The best advice that I ever got was to find what works for YOU. Experiment a little to figure out which approach will not only help you lose weight/get healthier now but will also be sustainable in…
  • I'm actually looking forward to a zombie apocalypse...as long as I can join a survivor group where the leader is as gorgeous as Rick Grimes ;) I also second the "fashion" and "cupcakes and cookies" parts :) After losing a significant amount of weight, I'm all about the clothes! And as an amateur baker, I'm all about the…
  • Happy first day and welcome to this thread and to MFP! Best of luck to you :)
  • Excellent! Congratulations!!
  • Why thank you :) Trying out for - and appearing on - Jeopardy crosses my mind occasionally, especially if I have a particularly good run during an episode (if, however, the categories are topics like "Opera" or "Poetry" or "British Monarchy", I realize that I would go full-on Cindy Brady and stare blankly at the camera for…
  • Well played, my friend. :)
  • Mmmm...cheese.... I took a Buzzfeed quiz about whether you prefer cheese or chocolate. Totally thought I'd get chocolate, but nope: cheese. I checked out that thread thinking it would be about the glory of cheese. Too bad that one guy is taking up all the space arguing about what's considered "processed". Forget about that…
  • In a perfect world, a salad pack would have 500 calories and a massive bar of chocolate would have only 15. :)
  • Thank you! And right back at ya :)
  • And if your boss can hear it, he/she will know that God must have spent a little more time on you because you're clearly awesome. It's tearin' up my heart that I don't have any *NSync on my workout playlist, so I guess I'll have to say bye, bye, bye to it and make a new list before I drive myself crazy. ;)
  • LOL! Yeah, my cat wouldn't stand for any of that. Sometimes I'm tempted to buy a little something for him to wear, but the one time I bought him a hat, I couldn't even get him to stay still long enough to put it on him. Then the hat disappeared. I think he ate it.
  • No sense whatsoever. Apparently, the OP was shocked that she lost a pound after eating McDonald's yesterday and is convinced that it was specifically the eating of the McDonald's that caused the weight loss because for weeks she's been eating "fruit and salads" and not losing (however, when asked if she was weighing her…
  • :) I always wonder how they get the cats to sit still for these pics. Seriously, if I came at my cat with anything to put on his head, I'd pull back a bloody stump where my hand should be.
  • Glad I'm not the only one who "hears voices" - though mine are usually of the peanut butter variety :) The people in my house always have tempting foods lying around, but I'm usually okay if I tell myself that it's their food and not mine to eat. It sort of puts it off-limits in my eyes, probably because my food is…
  • So true. And some people don't seem to understand the concept of "it's not what you say, it's how you say it." They may be giving great advice and making excellent points that the OP needs to hear, but by couching it in sarcasm, all that's coming across is rudeness. I'm not advocating sugarcoating anything, but if you can…
  • I went online and googled it. According to a couple different sources (can't remember which ones), at 5'6" and with a small frame (again, I googled how to figure out my frame size), I should be between 120-133. I'm going for around 135 but it'll all depend on how I feel. I might be perfectly happy with how I feel/look at…
  • I hate those days. They rank right up there with "water weight gain" as the bane of my existence. :( If I really can't stand it, I add another fairly low calorie snack. Sometimes working out helps - at least it distracts me for a while. Otherwise, I basically try to white-knuckle my way through it, go to bed early, and…
  • I did this too, and for the exact same reason. I've actually been on here since June :) And as far as the fluctuations go, this time around I chose not to log my weight gains. I just don't see any benefit to it. It's not motivation to do better; it just makes me feel bad.
  • "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it..." - Oscar Wilde :) I have that quote (clipped out of a magazine with a huge picture of a piece of chocolate cake beneath the quote) pinned to the back of my door. Words to live by, as far as I'm concerned!
  • Am I too late to join your zombie apocalypse team? I can...uh...well, I don't have any actual experience with weapons. However, I'm part Sicilian so I'm guessing I'd be pretty good at kneecapping walkers and sending threats to our group to "sleep with the fishes". ;)
  • Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.
  • I went to a Family Dollar store yesterday and bought generic "Fudge Covered Mint Cookies". To me, they taste exactly like Girl Scout Thin Mints. And they're only $1.75 for 32 cookies. This is bad. This is very, very bad. (But oh so delicious.)
  • I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away…
  • Thanks! :) Hope you enjoy your FitBit Charge! (Awesome price, BTW.)
    in Fitbit Comment by overlook237 April 2015
  • I got a FitBit Zip for Christmas, and I love it. It motivates me to take those extra steps that I might not otherwise because I want to hit and surpass 10,000 steps per day. I walk for exercise, and it helps me keep my pace up: my goal every workout is to walk 6.5 miles in 90 minutes (a little over 4 mph), and I check my…
    in Fitbit Comment by overlook237 April 2015
  • LOL! I always thought it was unfair that even though I weighed over 300 pounds, I still didn't have much in the chest department. On the bright side, now that the rest of me is smaller, my still-small boobs look a little bigger. :)