BerrySlim Member


  • I know what you mean. Some fitness girls look too heavy in the arms. Just don't lift heavy with arms shoulders and chest exercises. If you want a feminine look lift heavy with leg, butt, back exercises only. Don't forget your abs and you won't need weights for those.
  • I set my fitnessPal to 20%carb, 40%fat, 40%protein. 5'5 125lbs wanting to lose last 10lbs. My calories are 1250 very active When I work out I eat more than that. Try to follow the fitnessPal recommendations. It works you just have to stick with it and keep going!
  • This chart of macro nutrients will help.
  • Hi maybe try to get your macro nutrients percentage along with calories correct. If you don't eat enough good fat it can hinder progress also. Check out this info on macro nutrients. I had same problem.