l3mmmy Member


  • Only just saw this reply. Some really good advice here - so thank you! :smile: The small amounts really do take so much longer to lose, and those extra cals at the weekend are just putting the breaks on it I think. I'll give what you said a go and see where I can cut out a few things.
  • I have never looked at it this way. So does this mean I need to cut down 400 cals per week? Thanks for the tips. I'll have a play around with my MFP settings/goals later and see what it comes up with.
  • I track my calories during the working week with all of the intention of tracking at the weekend but once I've 'fell off the wagon' I abandon it completely, something I really need to change. Could you recommend a calculation for how many calories I should be eating per day to lose weight? When I eat 1,000 per day I really…