Hi Andie, I took your advice and i asked one of the PT at my gym to show me some strenghtening exercises and, He has introduced me to the world of Kettle bells,weights, squats and lunges. Thanks again for your comment, you spurred me on. Thanks
Thank you so much for your reply, That really helps. I dont have much knowledge on fitness, I lost 79lb within two year with just cardio and eating very strictly, my diet hasnt really changed. So i feel that maybe i have peaked with the cardio now, But i struggle with knowing what to do on the weights side of things. So…
You look fabulous, well done.:smile:
Wow, Well done... A true inspiration x
Wow, You look fab. Well done.
Hi, I am from Lancashire x
WOW - you look amazing well done. :smile:
Hi, Well done on the 32lb I completely understand this - i am going through this... looking in the mirror and seeing the old fat me !! I dont know how to focus on the new me ! i have lost 74lb since january.
feeling shoulder bones for first time in years